Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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America for President (1/?) anonymous November 27 2009, 15:32:39 UTC
Alfred sniffled, then blew his nose, as he lay huddled in his blankets in bed watching the news. The President was going to be announcing that he was going to run for a second term soon. He felt his stomach lurch as he read the ticker at the bottom of the screen announcing that the other party had chosen their candidate, as well.

He couldn't take much more of this. He was tired of being in a constant state of illness. He was fairly certain he had developed immunities to most over the counter medications by now.

He was tired of other nations holding him responsible for the whims of his bosses. He was tired of doing whatever his bosses and the media wanted. They weren't a true representation of the will of his people! They were just the lesser of two evils for that given term.

He glanced up at the wall, where his own copies of the Declaration of Independence and the original Constitution were framed on his wall. This wasn't what he wanted. This wasn't what the people wanted. And as their nation, it was time he did something about it.

With the decision firmly in mind, he jumped out of bed and ran to his closet. If he hurried, he could probably get his boss to let him have a few minutes of press time.

As he pulled on the suit, he wondered about how he would present himself? Should he go with Alfred F. Jones, a regular American citizen? No. No one would care about some guy they never heard of before. He'd have to reveal himself for who he was if he was going to get the attention he wanted.

The other nations would flay him alive, sure, but it was a small price to pay. He was tired of being sick, and he knew they were too! He had to do this. It was his duty as the hero!

He smoothed out his hair and hurried out the door, calling his boss. While confused, his boss agreed easily enough to let him have the floor when he finished speaking. Of course he would. He had no idea what Alfred was planning on saying. Curiousity alone would dictate that he had to be allowed to speak.

Some time later, Alfred stood to the side, listening as the President finished his speech.

"Before you leave today, there is someone else who would like to have a little of your time. I think you'll find that you know him without needing an introduction." The President looked to him and nodded, stepping aside as Alfred walked up to the podium and slapped him on the back heartily.

"Thanks a bunch." Alfred turned to the newsreporters, ignoring the flashing lights of the cameras.

"I won't waste your time. I'll just get right to the point. I am Alfred F. Jones, better known as the United States of America. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I'm going to do something about it. As of today, I am establishing my own party, the Independence Party, and announcing that I am running for President in this election. That is all, thank you."

As the reporters clamored to try to get him to answer questions, Alfred stepped down from the platform, smirking a bit as he passed by his absolutely shocked boss.

He didn't have time for his questions right now. He had a campaign to run.


America for President (2/?) anonymous November 27 2009, 21:55:14 UTC
Arthur dropped his tea cup, not even noticing as it shattered at his feet and the hot tea soaked into his socks. He just stared at the TV, unable to comprehend the absurdity coming out of the reporter's mouth. They were highlighting a clip of the President's speech the other day. Normally, the contents of the speech would hardly be newsworthy in the UK, but this particular clip was not of the President, but of one Alfred F. Jones.

"I've never heard of anything like it before, Jane. Historically, the personifications of nations have taken a very hands-off approach. They don't go around announcing who they are, they don't have decision-making power, and they DON'T get involved in their nation's politics. It just isn't done! They represent the people, not rule over them."

"That's a good point, Richard. However, I have to respectfully disagree with you. Think about what he said. 'I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.' Perhaps there is something to this. Is it possible that decisions that people make can have an effect on the health of their nations?"

"That's a ludicrous notion. If that was true, don't you think someone would have done something about it long ago? Think of all the boneheaded decisions made throughout history. Think of the wars! If it had that kind of effect on the nations, do you really think they would have stood by and watched?"

"Good points, both of you, but that's all the time we have for--"

Arthur flipped the TV and picked up his phone. He had to know what he was thinking.

"Hey, Iggy! What's up? You never call me!"

Arthur's eye twitched. How could he be acting so nonchalant while his face is all over the news?

"What the hell are you thinking? Running for president of the United States? Where did you ever get such an asinine idea? You can't run for President!" He felt his fists clench as Alfred laughed on the other end of the line.

"Sure I can, Iggy! It says so in my Constitution! I have to be at least 35, and a natural born citizen living in the US for at least 14 years. I even have a birth certificate! It's called the Declaration of Independence!"

Arthur blinked a few times, then groaned. The idiot had obviously put a lot of thought into this. Maybe not before he made his statement, but definitely now that he had done it.

"Anyway, Iggy. If you were just calling to lecture me, can we do this another time? I have a press conference soon, and I have to start putting together my campaign staff. See ya!"

Before Arthur had a chance to protest, Alfred had hung up the phone. He sighed and started picking up the broken pieces of his tea cup. This was going to be an interesting election.


Re: America for President (2/?) anonymous November 27 2009, 23:18:16 UTC
adsfjkl; this is SO exciting! moar plz, i can't wait! <3


Re: America for President (2/?) anonymous November 27 2009, 23:49:59 UTC
I even have a birth certificate!

These things are very, very important! LOLZ For some reason, I feel the pundits would be the best part. They'd just go and make random ~sensational!~ statements that are completely bogus and just...it would be amazing. Sit down interviews! "What are your foreign relation policies?" *deadpan* "Well, you can't kiss on the first date."

OH GOD I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE. Campaigns are already a circus, this should be AMAZING!


Re: America for President (2/?) anonymous November 27 2009, 23:52:15 UTC
I'd vote Alfred for a better future.
Awesome stuff author!anon, more soon I hope. :D


Re: America for President (2/?) anonymous November 28 2009, 00:26:04 UTC
I'd vote for Alfred, if I was an American.


xD Awesome fic, can't wait for more! *Stalks*


Re: America for President (2/?) anonymous November 28 2009, 02:09:16 UTC
Maybe the nation-tans should tell their people that the stuff that happens to the country happens to them also. >>

But oh Alfred. <3 I'd vote for you.

"I even have a birth certificate! It's called the Declaration of Independence!"

Why do I get the feeling that one/both of the parties would be like, "You can't prove you were born here!" And start all of that drama they did at the beginning of this term? -facepalm-


Re: America for President (2/?) anonymous November 28 2009, 04:59:32 UTC
Hilarious. I love it. He already has my vote~

"...natural born citizen living..."
This one doesn't actually matter. Alfred is eligible for the exception, having been a citizen at the time they created the Constitution.


Re: America for President (2/?) anonymous November 28 2009, 15:25:45 UTC
OP anon here. I like :)


America for President (3/?): A Commercial Interlude anonymous November 29 2009, 04:53:13 UTC
"Hello America." Alfred was sitting on the side of a desk, hands clasped over his knee, clad in a navy blue suit, white shirt, and red tie.

"I'm Alfred F. Jones, and while I may seem like a new face to many of you, I think you'll find you've known me along." He stood, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"It's not everyday that someone decides to run for President of the United States. It's not a decision that should be made lightly," Alfred smiled with a half laugh, "Hey, it took me two hundred and forty years to make this decision myself." He lifted his foot onto the chair, and put a hand on his knee.

"But that's what makes me the most qualified to be your President. Do I have experience in office? No, of course not. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been there for every major decision made in this country since its founding. I've learned from our mistakes, because, just like you, I've felt their consequences."

Suddenly Alfred was walking down a path in a park, with children playing in the background, hands in his pockets again.

"I'm not in this for fame or power. I don't need it. I'll always be here. I'm doing this because I want to help you, the American people." Alfred stopped at a bench and put his foot up on it, with his hand on his knee, taking a moment to watch the children play before looking at the screen again., with a more serious expression.

"When you are suffering, from anything: recession, natural disasters, wars...I suffer, too. I know how you feel. And I know that for too long, too many American's voices have been lost to party lines and politicians just looking to keep their sponsors happy."

The scene cuts again, and Alfred is back in his original position on the desk.

"It's time to say no more, America! This year, remember to vote America, for Americans."

The camera zoomed in on Alfred as he grinned cheekily and gave a thumbs up.

"Let me be your hero!"

My name is Alfred F. Jones, and I approve this message. This message has been paid for by the Independent National Committee and the America for Americans Foundation.


Re: America for President (3/?): A Commercial Interlude anonymous November 29 2009, 05:20:49 UTC
That was so wonderfully cheesy it made my face hurt from holding back my laughter. The scene change, writer!anon, the scene change... ♥


Re: America for President (3/?): A Commercial Interlude anonymous November 29 2009, 20:13:27 UTC
Oh, Alfred. xDD That really made me smile. ♥

Captcha: routines Investigation. Does that mean that the other parties won't trust him?


Re: America for President (3/?): A Commercial Interlude anonymous November 30 2009, 06:30:51 UTC

This fill, this fill! It's so epic, I can't even - THAT LAST LINE OH MY GOD *worships forever*


America for President (4/?) anonymous November 30 2009, 15:38:59 UTC
Arthur walked up to Alfred's door and knocked. After a moment, the door opened itself, and he raised a brow, looking at it as he walked inside. Was it some new kind of magic? He'd have to ask Alfred about it. Speaking of him...

"Alfred! Where are you?" He looked around the house. There were all kinds of campaign materials littering the living room. He couldn't believe that he was seriously doing this.


He blinked a few times and looked around. Where did that come from? Was the place haunted now? He turned back around towards the door and blinked as Alfred was standing behind him. Something was off about him, though.

"Oh, there you are, Alfred. Are you really going on with this ridiculous charade?" Arthur blinked as Alfred sighed, hanging his head.

"I'm Matthew. I'm Alfred's campaign manager, and yes, he's still going through with this charade."

Arthur blinked a few times. Oh. Now that he mentioned it, he didn't look all that much like Alfred at all. He didn't need to sound so annoyed though.

"Yes, well, where is he then?" Arthur blinked, Matthew's words repeating in his mind again. "You're his campaign manager?"

Matthew flushed as he looked down at the clipboard in his hand. Had that always been there?

"Well, actually, first he asked me to be his Vice President. When I reminded him that I wasn't American, he asked me to be his First Lady. When I punched him, he asked me to do this instead. He's upstairs getting changed. He is giving a speech in Philadelphia in a few hours. Why don't you come with us? I got a call from one of our field operators. Apparently the line to get in is quite long already."

Arthur just blinked a few times. He was still having trouble wrapping his brain around something.

"His First Lady?" Matthew flushed, but before he could say anything else, Alfred walked into the room, adjusting his tie.

"Mattie! Do I really have to wear this- oh hey, Iggy! How's it going?" Before Arthur could answer, he was looking at Matthew. "What else do I have to do today?"

Arthur just watched as Matthew checked his clipboard.

"You said you wanted to meet your volunteer workers, so we're going to stop at your Philadelphia office and bring them pizzas." Alfred nodded, listening, as his phone started ringing. While Matthew turned to answer it, Alfred turned back to Arthur, who sighed, crossing his arms.

"You're certainly into this, aren't you? And how do you plan to handle your responsibilities as a nation if you are elected?" And Arthur didn't want to admit it, but even though the Independence Party was still relatively small, it had an impressive following after only a few weeks. He found himself wondering if Alfred could actually pull this off.

"How hard could it be? I think it would make things a lot easier, don't you? I mean, I get along with most of you guys great, better than my bosses ever got along with yours." Ah, so he hadn't thought of that yet.

"Al!" Matthew hurried over. "You were so right. The Republicans and the Democrats have filed separate suits demanding production of your birth certificate."

Arthur slapped his forehead as Alfred laughed. Who didn't see that coming from a mile away?


Re: America for President (4/?) anonymous November 30 2009, 21:07:59 UTC
I don't see why Canada had to punch America. I think Canada would make a lovely First Lady!


Re: America for President (4/?) anonymous November 30 2009, 22:06:58 UTC
I do too! And so does America, apparently. But Canada doesn't seem to agree. But surely, as America's campaign manager, he knows you can't be a bachelor and get elected these days.

I think the only president that was a bachelor was James Buchanan, and well, he's considered the worst president in history. Take that as you will.


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