Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Tying His Shoelaces anonymous November 23 2009, 09:39:18 UTC
"I mean - Tying my shoelaces? Honestly, Germany..."

Italy smiles and smiles and smiles, talking to the large tree waving in the wind.

"I mean, Il Duce means well, at least well for me I mean, in some ways at least, he wants a strong Italy and he wants me to become an Empire like Grandpa was - but well, when push comes to shove, he doesn't like me all that much, you know? The real me, I mean - Not the me he wishes I would be. And he likes Lovi even less, for some reason I don't really get."

Italy has swift, sure hands - When it comes to things that are important to him, that is. Like cooking. Or painting. Or drawing. Or flirting with girls.

"And anyway, he's not even really my Boss, you know? Technically speaking, that's supposed to be the King. Emperor. King-Emperor - I think things were going better when he was just a plain King, but then, nobody asked me about that then and nobody's asking me that now, either, so let's not speak about that, eh?"

Snick, snick, snick go the bullets. For once in his life, Italy is organized about something that is even vaguely military.

But no, it wasn't really the first time, he realizes - Italy and his troops had been pretty damn organized when they ran away en mass that one time, hadn't they?

"And since the King says that we're siding with the Allies now - Why, then, we're siding with the Allies. We - The Axis - Just bit off more then we could chew, you know? Not to mention that - Oh, you probably know this already, I mean, you're not stupid, even if you act like you are a lot of the time, especially when it comes to important stuff -"

Snick, snick, snick.

"I mean, Germany - Your Boss is crazy. Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy fucking batshit. And he's made almost everybody he touches crazy, too."

Italy leans over the second gun - How many backups did he have, anyway?

"Really, Germany - You don't really think that all those Jews are just going to be relocated, do you now?"

Snick snick snick. The wind was so cold

"And anyway - My country comes first. Well, ours - Me and Lovi's. So - This is goodbye. To our alliance, I mean. You get it, don't you? Well, I hope you do - "

Italy's gun looks natural in his hand, for once.

"Look, Germany - I wouldn't shoot you in the head, just this once, alright? I mean, if I thought I could just shoot the crazy out of you I'd probably do it, but I don't think it's that kind of crazy, quite frankly, and if I thought an exorcism would work I'd do that too in a jiffy - I know lots of priests, I do! - but I don't think that's the problem either, I mean, if I could do a exorcism on your Boss it might be different but in his case I'm not quite sure that's he's really human in the first place so - I don't know."

"...He is."

He rasps out, trying to hold on to the gun. It's not very easy, since Italy has managed to put four bullets into him already.

" - If you say so, Germany. Either way - He probably likes you even less then Il Duce likes me, you know? It's even worse, actually - Benito doesn't really hate me, even if he wishes I were...different, I suppose. But your Boss..."

His Leader only loves the Germany in his own mind, Germany knows this already.

His dark haired and dark eyed Leader. So different from the Aryan ideals he declared with such fervent enthusiasm. So charismatic in public, so charming in private - Pied Piper, leading the children away...

And what had happened to all those children?

"So, then. I'm sure you're going to be back up and screaming orders like always in a week or two or something - boy, you heal quick these days, don't you - But anyway - This is goodbye, then. Till we meet again, Germany!"

The gunshots are quick and successive.

The last thing he sees is Italy running like the wind, to the south, to his brother.

Italy had always been very good at running away, after all. Everybody knows this.



Tying His Shoelaces : Notes anonymous November 23 2009, 09:41:01 UTC
I know this doesn't quite fit the request exactly - Sorry about that.

I would like to know what people think about it anyhow, though!


Re: Tying His Shoelaces : Notes anonymous November 23 2009, 13:41:20 UTC
I don't really mind that it's not completely according to what I asked.

It would have been nice, but this is quite masterfully done. So, it'd be foolish of me to hold it against you.

I find it to be beyond words how wonderfully you depicted Italy's almost dialogue, how you painted them as two soldiers that are really pawns who are helpless when it comes to their bad and/or crazy bosses and how Italy is telling Germany, at one point, that he'd help him if he knew how.

I really apreciate how Germany and Italy to an extent aren't all that different than from the guys we know and love from Hetalia. Germany is still the good soldier that follows orders and never questions, even though he's aware that something is not quite right. Italy still loves the arts, women, cooking and even as Sneaky!Italy he is good at running away.

You'll have to forgive me if I think I'd like to see more of this AU you've made. A Sequel or an Omake, if you can. ;) When you can...


Re: Tying His Shoelaces : Notes anonymous November 30 2009, 12:37:30 UTC
Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it!

I haven't quite decided what to do, sequal-wise, though...


Re: Tying His Shoelaces anonymous November 23 2009, 11:57:07 UTC
That was terrifying. omg, sneaky!Italy and the way he's so precise and his monologue and the detached way you wrote this was perfect.

brilliant fill, anon. ♥


Re: Tying His Shoelaces anonymous November 30 2009, 12:37:56 UTC
Thank you very much!


Re: Tying His Shoelaces anonymous November 24 2009, 06:42:48 UTC
Holy shit, anon.

I love your Sneaky!Italy. This was so dark and terrifyingly plausible. I really liked the contrast between Italy's long, rambling monologue and the short, poignant narration. And that ending! I agree with OP, I would love to see more.

"Hospital remedied". I don't think a hospital is going to help Germany much at this point, Captcha.


Re: Tying His Shoelaces anonymous November 30 2009, 12:38:32 UTC
Thank you very much, Anon!


Re: Tying His Shoelaces anonymous November 27 2009, 23:07:55 UTC
...woah! Both creepy and intriguing. And this meme needs more sneaky!serious!Italy like air.


Re: Tying His Shoelaces anonymous November 30 2009, 12:39:01 UTC
Thank you very much!


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