Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Re: Neighboring Nations 2/4 anonymous November 22 2009, 02:09:21 UTC

"Someone puts an ax in Leon Trotsky's skull while he's in your city, and Russia's reaction is to go have a beer in your kitchen?"

Mexico looked like she was trying hard not to start swearing, which, for her, was an actual effort. "I have told you about that at least a dozen times," she hissed, "and you never pay attention to what I say. Why do you keep asking about it?"

Sheepishly, Canada admitted, "It's the only thing about your country I can ever remember. Also, I was talking to America and wondered if he was right about you." He almost never saw Mexico--in fact, they both saw more of America than they did each other, what with their little brother's land separating them--and while America frequently complained about Mexico, Canada was never very sure how seriously to take his twin; for one thing, America seemed far too fond of Mexico's company and attention for someone claiming to have so many issues caused by her, for another, there was the fact that many of his problems with Mexico, in Canada's opinion, had been started by America himself, when he contributed to Mexico's diminishment a century earlier and took over so much of her land. The memory of this last fact tended to make Canada automatically sympathize with their sister, rather than his twin.

"What is America right about? God, is he going on about Russia again? Can't he ever shut up?"

"Well, you are friends with Russia."


"Just saying..."

"Saying what?"

Canada looked into his coffee cup, wondering if his attempt to get Mexico started on a rant--which would be entertaining and time-killing--was going to work, or if he was just going to anger her. "America says you don't have the common sense to be scared of rightfully terrifying people. I happen to agree with him."

Mexico stared at him. After a heavy moment of silence, she asked, with honest confusion, "Why should I be scared of Russia?"

In her case, this was a legitimate question; in spite of Russia's insanity, Canada had to admit he did treat Mexico pretty decently. Maybe their mutual craziness got cancelled out whenever they were together. Not wanting to explain his thoughts about Russia to someone who was actually his friend, Canada tried steering the conversation elsewhere by going back to his previous question, albeit worded less offensively. "Why was Russia at your place? Seriously, I'll pay attention this time. I promise."

Dubiously, as if she was expecting this to be some sort of trick, Mexico said defensively, "He was at the embassy, and intended to go visit Senor Trotsky. He hadn't seen him in a couple of years, I think it was. Since he lived in France? But he walked in after he'd been hit. He had to go somewhere, he got covered in blood."

"...and he wound up in your kitchen?"

"I live on the other side of the city," Mexico pointed out.

"That...happened ten years ago."


"You've had that hairball chihuahua this long? Why isn't it dead yet?"

"Fuck you, Canada! That was Maritza Number Four! The one I have now is Maritza the Sixth."

"Wait, you keep replacing your chihuahuas and just reuse the same name?"

"Goddammit, you said you'd be serious. Fuck you, I'm only talking to America from now on."

"You, shutting up? Would be a miracle in itself."


Re: Neighboring Nations 3/4 anonymous November 22 2009, 02:10:46 UTC
By default, Canada won the fight before it could become a fight because just then they heard America's voice and both went quiet, listening. From the sound of things, their little brother was approaching the conference room and was in the middle of arguing with someone.

"--completely undermines our efforts! Can't you stay out of just one thing?"

"Shit, he's with Russia, isn't he?" Mexico realized.

"Let's hide in the broom closet," Canada decided abruptly.

"What? No, I'm not hiding in there, it's probably all gross and cramped--let go of me!" He had grabbed her by the wrist, and she was being pulled against her will. Mexico clawed at Canada's hand, trying to get loose, but he shoved her ahead, stepping in quickly after, and pulled the door shut behind them.

"America assumes both of us are on his side, and Russia thinks you side with him. Do you really want to get dragged into one of their endless fights?"

Seeing the sense of this warning, Mexico stopped struggling.

"Everyone else will come in, America and Russia will start fighting for real, when the others make a move to break things up between them, we'll sneak out of the closet and go sit down and no one will even notice."

There wasn't much room with the both of them in there, and Canada put his arms around Mexico, drawing her closer. It wasn't meant as a come-on, and she didn't seem to be taking it as such.

America and Russia were out of the hallway and into the conference room now, judging by the volume. "If you had not intervened with Korea, China and I could have settled things with them by now."

"Bullshit! We could have fixed everything!"

"You are not the one controlling the situation, therefore, it is bullshit? America, do you have any idea how foolish you sound?" Russia was cheerful in contrast to America's angry tone, not that that gave away anything--usually, Russia was even more dangerous when he sounded friendly.

"Everything you're trying to institute is bad."

"How so?"

America made a huffy noise, as if pointing out something painfully obvious. "They're being controlled. You wouldn't let them have any choice in what happens to them. You wouldn't allow them to think for themselves."

"And you would?"


"America, we are doing exactly what you would be doing, if you were in charge of things. There is only a difference in goverment."

No more words after this exchange, which put the hiding brother and sister on edge, as it was exactly the sort of thing that their younger brother would use to get away with throwing down a physical fight. Canada looked down at Mexico. Mexico looked up at Canada. Both were wondering the same thing over this silence: were America and Russia even in the room anymore?

"Can you open the door a little?" Mexico whispered.

Canada had been around the two while they were together more than Mexico had, and from past experience, had some idea what might be going on. "I...don't think they've left."

"But I can't hear anything, what could they be doing?"

"Um..." If she hadn't figured out by now that for America and Russia, arguing was tantamount to foreplay, Canada just...did not want to be the one to have to explain it to his older sister.


Re: Neighboring Nations 4/4 anonymous November 22 2009, 02:12:19 UTC
There were some scuffling sounds from the conference room, not quite loud enough to sound like outright fighting. Canada's suspicions were strengthening and he blushed, mortified, realizing the meeting was going to start soon and his brother and Russia most likely were about to be walked in on by the other nations. At least Mexico wasn't asking anymore what they were doing, as she remained in his arms, straining to hear the two outside. "And America wonders why no one takes him seriously," Canada snapped.

"Oh, is America doing Russia?" Mexico blurted out, as if speaking of something of little consequence. "In the conference room? That's a terrible place, people are going to be coming in on them. Unless they want an audience?" She barely paused before continuing, "No wonder Russia never accepted my offers, I was wondering why he wouldn't."

Even more horrified now by his sister than he was by his brother, Canada said--far too loudly--"You've hit on Russia?" America was right, Mexico really did have no common sense.

"Well, yeah, I mean, he's always talking about becoming one with him, I figured he couldn't get any and I was doing him a favor, but I guess not. How embarrassing! I never would have offered if I had known he really wanted--"

Mexico didn't get to elaborate on what Russia really wanted, because they were then startled by their hiding being revealed by America, who somehow managed to open the door to the broom closet with a great deal of noise.

"Canada. Mexico." There was an awkward silence as America took in the sight of his twin embracing their sister, and looking slightly confused, asked, "What are you two doing in the broom closet? If you wanted to get it on with each other, why didn't you just stay at the hotel?"

"I...I wasn't doing that with her!" Canada protested.

"Yeah, right, you pervert."

Mexico started laughing. America pulled both his siblings out of the closet, and as neither wanted to be alone with him after being caught in such a seemingly compromising position, they rushed out of the conference room. Canada was terribly flustered, Mexico was just amused. "We're going to have to back in there, you know. The meeting's going to be starting soon."

"I know, I know," Canada mumbled. He saw France and England approaching and hoped the color was leaving his face; the last thing he needed was France in addition to America teasing him about getting busy with Mexico. "Next time we're hiding at Arthur's." At least if England suspected them of doing anything, he'd be too much of a gentleman to barge in on them.


Re: Neighboring Nations 4/4 anonymous November 22 2009, 02:32:58 UTC

Loved it anon.


Re: Neighboring Nations 4/4 anonymous November 22 2009, 02:38:41 UTC
What's Vamanos? O_o


writer!anon anonymous November 22 2009, 02:42:04 UTC
Let's go...sorry, I thought I had cut everything that needed translation...


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Neighboring Nations 4/4 anonymous November 22 2009, 17:54:52 UTC
Thank you so much for the wonderful review! Yeah, so much hate for that Belarus-of-the-Americas bullshit, as well as the "fail!sibling" label at least one other person in this fandom keeps insisting on using. We got freaking halved by America, why the fuck should we be expected to be kindly, protective older sibling? You know if it were a European country that this happened to, the Americans would be all about what a tragedy it was, but because it's Mexico, all they care about is the stereotype of "Mexicans are all perverts who are here illegally to steal decent Americans' jobs."

I'm not asking that everyone make Mexico a badass, it's just that it fucking IS offensive to have these ignorant fools creating an OC only to make them a rapist copy of an already existing character. Why use them at all, in that case?

Sorry for ranting! /Mexican-American writer!anon


another Mexican-American hurr anonymous November 23 2009, 02:47:20 UTC
YES! I wholeheartedly agree with you there!

Aside from that, this is wonderful fic. I have fallen in love with your Mexico <3


op/here anonymous November 23 2009, 04:50:49 UTC
omg omg omg *has a Minny heart-attack* someone filled this omg!

i love you!

god i love that

"You've had that hairball chihuahua this long? Why isn't it dead yet?"

"Fuck you, Canada! That was Maritza Number Four! The one I have now is Maritza the Sixth."

and oh god

"Well, yeah, I mean, he's always talking about becoming one with him, I figured he couldn't get any and I was doing him a favor, but I guess not. How embarrassing! I never would have offered if I had known he really wanted--"
"Wait, you keep replacing your chihuahuas and just reuse the same name?"



writer!anon anonymous November 23 2009, 05:58:24 UTC
Thank you, OP! ♥ I had a lot of fun doing the Canada-Mexico interaction!

Seriously, I just want to write fanfiction all about Mexico's foreign relations, because Russia? Germany? Japan? The histories with them are so interesting. You could make a total soap opera out of them!

Chihuahuas are pure evil! I wanted Mexico to be kind of crazy--not Belarus-like, but product-of-stressful-history crazy--so the idea of her "not having common sense" and being friends with people like Russia and keeping vicious pets...stuck with me.


op/here anonymous November 23 2009, 19:08:57 UTC
central America soap opera, yes!

"today's episode, 'the Zimmerman note' America finds out Germany is a suitor"

you have made me an extremely proud Mexican-American!

i soooo want to draw this out now!


writer!anon anonymous November 23 2009, 21:01:05 UTC
It's even better because England is the one who intercepts it. Which brings up the question: would England tell America about it, or try to keep it from him? XD



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