Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Like, Totally Manry (1/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 05:42:19 UTC
I have a WIP list a mile long, my desk is going to collapse under the weight of my homework, and I haven't slept in more than 30 hours. But this HAD to be done. XD

Germany pulled off his aviator sunglasses and looked around the room. He tried to anyway. All the black lights made it hard to make out much of anything besides flashes of bright colors.

"It seems quieter than usual." Japan adjusted his afro wig as he walked back over to the seats, making sure the computer registered his strike.

"I believe America-san mentioned that he was going over to Canada-san's place for a sleepover with Poland-san." Germany frowned a bit.

"They know that tonight was the annual World Disco Bowling Competition, right?" Japan nodded, and adjusted his wig again.

"America-san said he was getting tired of beating everyone all the time." They both turned their attention over to the next lane when there was a loud yell.

"Get your hands off of me, you frog!" England was flailing about, with France hanging on his back, trying to reach around and grope him.

"But polyester leaves so little to the imagination!"

Germany sighed, then turned when there was a poke on his shoulder. He sighed again when he saw that it was his brother.

"Don't worry, West! I'll grab a crew and go drag them back for the fun! How can they say no to me?" Germany was about to say no, but reconsidered. If Prussia went to get them in Canada, they'd never be back by the end of the night. That meant that Austria wouldn't flip out because Hungary paid Prussia to harass him so she could take pictures. It was an annual disaster that he always wondered how to avoid.

"Yes, that's surprisingly brilliant, coming from you. Go ahead and do that."

Prussia grinned and turned.

"Now, who to bring with me? If America didn't want to come, he'll probably put up a fight..." He looked around. "Oi! Russia! You're not doing anything! Come help me drag America back here!" The larger nation looked over at him, then nodded and walked over, dragging a shaking Lithuania with him. Prussia nodded to himself as they left for Canada's house. Oh yeah, they had this.

Canada swatted the giggling nation off his arm, laughing a bit himself.

"You're not supposed to laugh at scary movies, you idiot. Aren't you afraid of them?"

America snickered again, then took another puff when Poland handed the joint back over to him.

"I can't help it, bro. I mean...the chicks running and her tits just keep...bouncing! It's..." He started giggling again as Canada took the joint from him.

"Oooohmigosh! Like...I totally see it now! You're so right!" Poland started giggling with him.

Canada handed the joint back to Poland as something started beeping in the kitchen.

"Whatever...you two laugh it up. More pizza rolls for me." He snickered a bit as he walked out to the kitchen.


Epic. anonymous November 13 2009, 06:10:53 UTC
This is amazing and wonderful and hilarious, and I want moar ♥


Re: Like, Totally Manry (1/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 06:50:20 UTC
Very funny! More soon, please?


Re: Like, Totally Manry (1/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 07:07:41 UTC
nations going disco bowling = BEST MENTAL IMAGE EVER! BRB LOLING FOREVER...!


Re: Like, Totally Manry (1/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 07:34:49 UTC
World Disco Bowling Competition



Re: Like, Totally Manry (1/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 09:08:00 UTC



OP!! anonymous November 13 2009, 15:48:52 UTC
This...this is going to be fabulous! I can't wait! Oh Prussia I don't think things are going to go down quite as easily as you suspect they are, America is notoriously stubborn when he doesn't want to do something...just ask any nation out there... *snorts*


Like, Totally Manry (2/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 17:51:13 UTC
A half hour later, Canada found his way out of the kitchen with a half eaten plate of lukewarm pizza rolly goodness.

"Guys! Guys! It was so amazing!" America and Poland looked up from where they were hooking up the Xbox 360. "I stuck my hand in the oven to get the pizza rolls, and it was warm inside! Then, when I pulled it out, it wasn't warm anymore!"

"Whoa...that is like, sooooo cool Canada! Ohmigosh, are those the pizza roll thingies? I want to try some." Poland got up and hurried over, taking some off the plate. "It's about time. I was like, sooooo hungry, and America ate all the popcorn."

Canada snickered and put the plate down on the table. America grabbed a controller and sat on the floor in front of him. When he reached for the plate of pizza rolls, Poland hit his hand.

"No freaking way! You already ate all the popcorn!" America snorted then giggled.

"No I didn't! You knocked it all over the floor, dumbass! It's down here." Poland blinked and leaned over, looking at the popcorn scattered around Canada's feet.

"Oh wow..." America giggled again because Poland looked hilarious with his nose practically to Canada's toes. "...Canada, you totally need a pedicure. Oh! Like, I can do it! I brought my stuff!"

Canada snickered then nodded. "Yeah, ok!" America leaned back so he was against Canada's legs and looked up at him, suddenly disinterested in his game.

"What about me?" Poland looked at him thoughtfully.

"Oh honey, it will take more than a pedicure to help you."

Germany sighed as he watched Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Sweden do their choreographed victory dance. On rollerskates. While singing "Dancing Queen."

He didn't feel like reminding them that just because they beat the team of France, England, Spain, and Belgium in the first round didn't mean they won the whole thing.

It may or may not have been because he was too busy trying to block out the image of Denmark in hotpants. He vaguely wondered if his brother was having any success.

Russia sighed as he pulled Prussia's arm. "I'm fairly certain that Canada's house is this way. This is America's house, da."

Prussia pulled his arm back and peered in the window again. "Are you sure you're sure?"

An alien's face suddenly appeared in the window in front of his. The three nations yelled and turned, running. North seemed like a good direction to go, after all.

Writernon has never been high before, but has plenty of friends who have been. I don't know what goes through their minds when they are high, but this is definitely what it comes off as to the one watching it


Re: Like, Totally Manry (2/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 18:18:30 UTC
OP is still loving this...everyone is just crazy...it's awesome!


writernon anonymous November 13 2009, 18:23:22 UTC
the World Disco Bowling Competition, was of course, America's idea in the first place, way back in the 70s (at that time, Russia was not invited). It was a little more stiff when it started, but if Germany's wearing aviator sunglasses and Japan's in an afro wig, you know he managed to get them to loosen up. XD


Like, Totally Manry (3/?) anonymous November 16 2009, 07:22:47 UTC
Germany sighed as he watched North Italy celebrate his first strike of the evening. He probably would have gotten more by now had he not been wearing those ridiculous tie-dye patterned platform heels.

Germany may have gotten more strikes himself had he not been constantly distracted by that fact that, for some reason (he blamed France), North Italy was also wearing a mini skirt with a gold hoop belt and a halter top.

"Ve~! Germany! Look! I got a strike!" Oh God. How could he jump like that in those shoes?

"So, do you really think this will make me look pretty?" Canada looked down over America's head, where he was putting his hair in little braids.

"Oh, yeah, definitely. Absolutely. Right, Poland?" Poland looked up from where he was finishing up Canada's pedicure.

"Totally! You look soooo cute like that! Oh! Oh! You know who is like, so pretty?" Canada raised a brow.

"Me?" Poland and America laughed.

"No! Well, you're cute, too, honey. But I totally meant Lithuania. He's, like, so adorable! Don't you think so?" Poland sighed and picked up a bottle of nail polish. "It's too bad he's so hung up on Belarus."

"Oh, really? Because I heard he was over that. She broke his hand again, and he figured out she didn't like him." America looked at the bowl in his hands. "Did I do this right? I mean...it's all...green." Poland glanced at it briefly before turning back to painting Canada's toenails.

"That's exactly what it's supposed to look like. Now, you just have to, like, spread it on your face. Your pores are totally screaming for it..." He pulled Canada's foot closer. "Stop that!"

Canada jumped a bit, yanking on America's hair as he did.


"Sorry! It's cold!" Poland rolled his eyes then looked at America.

"Where did you hear that from? About Lithuania?" America frowned a bit as he poked at the green substance in the bowl. That had to go on his face?

"Uhm, I was talking to France, who heard it from Spain, who overheard Hungary telling Prussia that she heard it from Lithuania."

Canada glanced down at America again. "Did France mention anything about Prussia?"

Poland laughed a bit as he set down the bottle and started blowing on Canada's nails. "Someone's got a crush!"

Canada flushed a bright shade of red.

"Do not! I was just curious, since, you know, he's not allowed to come to the world meetings anymore."

America laughed and nodded. "Actually, he said that Prussia's been asking around about a certain North American beer-swilling hockey nut."

Poland snickered as he moved to the other side of America to start working on Canada's other foot.

"Hurry up and, like, put that on your face. You want to look good for Russia, don't you?"

America gasped and looked at Poland.

"How did you know?"

Prussia shoved Lithuania out of the way and looked in the window. Russia sighed as he leaned against the wall.

"What do you see?"

Prussia and Lithuania exchanged glances, then looked at him.

"They're...they're chicks, bro."


Re: Like, Totally Manry (3/?) anonymous November 16 2009, 07:48:51 UTC
ROFL last line=priceless :D

recaptcha:likemost artiest [seems something poland would say]


Re: Like, Totally Manry (3/?) anonymous November 16 2009, 07:57:59 UTC

More soon, please?


OP!! anonymous November 16 2009, 10:23:03 UTC
LMAO...at just...everything. They're all awesome from Italy in his skirt and heels (and Germany being distracted by said fact) the girly manly trio and their gossip session and the reaction from the peanut gallery out front. Poor Russia is probably wondering just how he let himself get dragged along for this.



Re: Like, Totally Manry (3/?) anonymous November 16 2009, 10:43:15 UTC
North American beer-swilling hockey nut.

Did you un/intentionally allude to Weird Al Yankovic D:

This story is TTLY MANRY


Re: Like, Totally Manry (3/?) anonymous November 17 2009, 05:18:15 UTC
I've heard that song a grand total of once, a year ago. That was completely unintentional. D: Sorry!

It is, like, TTLY MANRY, isn't it? And it will only get moreso~


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