Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Re: These are way too fun for comfort. My Inner Gilbert cackles. anonymous November 12 2009, 05:46:48 UTC
28. Bavaria's beer steins are not appropriate substitutes for a urinal. Especially when they're half-full.

29. I will not take away Saxony's medication. Watching schizophrenic breakdowns are not a good way to alleviate the dullness of meetings.

30. I will not take pictures of Wuerrtemberg while he's in the Baden-Baden.

31. I will not partition Poland a sixth time. No matter how much fun it was the first five times.

32. I will not ask Ukraine if I can see if her "tits are still glowing in the dark" due to Chernobyl.

33. Austria's piano is not to have contact with any sort of adhesive.

34. I will not remind Estonia or Latvia of the way I converted them to Christianity. Especially the part with the cross-shaped hot branding iron.

35. I am not to get Czech Republic drunk. All the stuff he did back when he was Bohemia wasn't funny the first time.

36. If I do get Czech Republic drunk, I am not to post the result on my blog or HetaTube, no matter how many hits it's guaranteed to get.

37. I am not to ask Serbia if he's got laid since Montenegro left him, and if so, what species his partner was.

38. I am not to speak to Slovenia at all. If I do, I will be responsible for all his therapy bills.

39. I will not ask Moldova what century his next bath is scheduled for.

40. Belarus...no, just no.


Re: These are way too fun for comfort. My Inner Gilbert cackles. anonymous November 12 2009, 08:47:41 UTC
32. I will not ask Ukraine if I can see if her "tits are still glowing in the dark" due to Chernobyl.

This one killed me! And I nearly spilt my drink! WIN!!!


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