Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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The American Dream [1/1] anonymous November 6 2009, 07:03:19 UTC
This anon is sure that pirate!England and British Empire!England would bee the same person but let's ignore that :D I's just a quick drabble but I hope you like it!


When England had a strange, nagging urge to visit America, this was not what he was expecting to find. He stood outside the door, peering through the gap, absolutely speechless.

"Sod off! You will not defile my boy!"

"I'll do whatever I bloody want!"

America, to his credit, seemed to be handling this situation rather calmly. Then again, it was more likely that his brain shorted out, judging by the dazed look in his eyes as he glanced between all the different Englands. Britannia Angel was hovering behind America, arms wrapped around his neck.

"I can perform any miracle you want~"

Then there was another him, wearing that accursed waiter's outfit, hanging off America's arm, competing for America's attention. Not that there was any attention to compete for. England felt strangely affronted by that. "Would you like your order now, sir?"

The other pair were still bickering, his pirate self being restrained by imperialism era him?

Scowling, pirate him spat out, "As if you don't want a piece of that ass for yourself."

Empire him immediately denied that accusation, spluttering at the same time. "Of course not!" However, his actions seemed to indicated otherwise as he started to eye America appreciatively. The pirate took this chance to slip out of other him's grip and settled himself on America's lap.

This had gone on for long enough. Eye twitching, he burst into the room. Everyone stopped and stared at him.

"Okay, what the hell is going on in here?" He ignored his burning cheeks. No one could blame him really. It wasn't everyday you walked in on multiple versions of yourself who were fighting over your not-object-of-affection.

Aforementioned not-object-of-affection seemed to have finally been brought out of his daze.

"This is the most awesome dream I've ever had!"

America reached over and pulled the still protesting empire onto his lap. He was blushing furiously and once seated, didn't seem to take any action to get off of his lap. Pirate England looked up from his handy-work, a lovely hickey on America's neck, and smirked, "I knew it."

"S-Shut up!"

"Wanna join in?" England seemed to be out-of place just standing there and what sort of host would he be if he didn't entertain all his guests? He sighed a little as Britannia Angel nibbled on his ear or maybe it was the fact that the waiter England was unzipping his pants now.

"I most certainly do not a- don't give me that look."

A stare-down commenced. Well, it was pretty one-sided with England trying to resist America's long-perfected puppy dog eyes. England caved pretty quickly.

Sighing, he walked forward and planted a chaste kiss on America's lips. "This is a one-time thing only."

"Sure, sure." America then reached forward and pulled England into a not-so-chaste kiss.

England pulled out of the kiss thirty seconds later, gasping for breath before a fairly important question struck him."Where did they come from anyway?"

The other Englands ignored the question and continued to work on America, who actually managed to pull his head out of his England-induced haze for a second. He actually didn't think of that but it didn't really matter at this point. Shrugging as much as he could, he murmured "Who cares." before pulling England into yet another kiss. Pfft, details.


OP loves you anonymous November 6 2009, 07:29:51 UTC
I had thought that Empire!England and Pirate!England were technically the same, but meh. The more Englands the better! 8D

That aside, you kind of just made my crappy week like 10 times better. I love the bickering between Empire and Pirate England, and how America has no issues with the situation (I know I wouldn't) and doesn't care where they all came from.

Thank you, anon! ♥


Re: OP loves you anonymous November 6 2009, 07:44:25 UTC
I totally agreed with you there!

I'm glad you liked it ♥ I should be thanking you for such a wonderful request~ Multiples of the same character from different eras is actually my guilty pleasure ;D


Re: The American Dream [1/1] anonymous November 6 2009, 08:05:12 UTC
OH FUCKIN HELL!! ..... that was freaking amazing. I..I.. they sat on his lap. Waiter England. Britannia Angel. Regular England.

... omg yes


Re: The American Dream [1/1] anonymous November 6 2009, 09:11:59 UTC
Bwahaha, niice!


Re: The American Dream [1/1] anonymous November 6 2009, 13:35:38 UTC
OMIGOSH. This was simply amazing! Wahhh

So hot!! Makes me want to dedicate another fill to OP. @ v@;;


Re: The American Dream [1/1] anonymous November 7 2009, 01:40:10 UTC
OP would not be opposed to that. *America puppy eyes*


Re: The American Dream [1/1] anonymous November 8 2009, 05:12:00 UTC
but aren't there more versions of England?? like

Police!England (the one in that blue checkered uniform)

i think there was one with him of Archer!England, you know, when he was STILL young (younger than Pirate!England, anyway)

and then there's Bunny!England (or is that the same as Waiter!England, since Bunny!England's mostly portrayed with an apron or something Kinky like that.

And yeah... that's all I can think of...


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