Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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Re: Corrected Vision 3b/? anonymous October 21 2009, 00:19:33 UTC
"Are you sure you don't need any help out there?" Sweden could easily hear Finland's yell.

"Now, honey, you know that bar-bee-cuin's a man's job. You don't worry your pretty li'l head about it," Sweden responded.

"You do notice when we're in bed together that I have a cock, don't you?" came another yell, this one slightly more angry.

"And I'll make my peace with the Lord about the abominable act of sodomy later on, darlin'. Get a couple more beers ready, Denny..."

Back in the room, the trio of Nordics saw another cloud of smoke appear, the cue for another round of vodkas for each. They had barely finished this round when they heard another voice coming from the entrance. "Thank God I finally found your room! Door's open, by the way." The three turned to see two young boys, no more than twelve years old in human terms, one wearing a strange sailor suit, the other wearing a hooded parka covering a pair of insulated overalls, a shock of silver-blond hair peeking out over the edge. The two stepped on the door and came in.

"Sealand, what are you doing here?" Finland asked the micronation. "You know they don't like you to be at these conferences. Besides, Ahvenanmaa was supposed to be watching you two."

"Well, he decided that Svalbard and I were too boring for him, so he invited over some of his semi-autonomous island friends for a party and told us to go up to our room." Sealand looked a bit disgusted at that thought, then turned that disgusted look toward Svalbard. "We were playing video games, but someone doesn't know the meaning of 'cooperative play'."

"You were the easiest target," Svalbard said, his violet eyes and calm voice reminding everyone who Svalbard called "father" other than Norway.

"Well, since you're here, you might as well stay," Finland said in a resigned fashion, not really noticing Norway subtly shaking his head in an unmistakable "no" fashion. "But no attending sessions, no pranks, no bothering other nations, no impersonating other nations, and stay away from Prussia, got that?"

Sealand and Svalbard both nodded, as the caterwaul from outside suddenly resumed.

Min pappa lämnade hem då jag var tre
Och han lämnade inte mycket till modern och mig...

"Did he just switch songs?" Iceland asked. Finland nodded, but in a way which betrayed his uncertainty that Sweden had, indeed, switched songs.

Sealand's face went into an expression of shock. "Is that Dad? Is he trying to sing?" The micronation then looked at the bottle of vodka on the table. "And is that why you're trying to get plastered?"

"Yes, yes, and yes, respectively," Finland said as he got up from the couch. "Now you two stay here. I need to get Maintenance to fix the door, and find as much vodka as I can. I'm going to need it." It was now Finland's turn to step over the door and walk out of the room.

Sealand turned to Svalbard and said, "I'm gonna see what's going on with my dad. It might not be safe, so you stay here while I reccy." Sealand walked out to the patio, leaving Svalbard staring intently at Norway and Iceland.

"Father. Uncle," Svalbard said in an almost inhumanly calm fashion.

"Svalbard," both of them replied. At that moment, Iceland got up from the couch, giving what could only be described as a disgusted look to Norway. "I need to take a piss. A very long piss." Iceland then turned away and walked toward the suite's bathroom. Now Norway and Svalbard were alone. Svalbard sat on the couch, as far away from Norway as possible. The space between them was occupied by a silence that was almost palpably cold, as cold as their winters. They simply looked at each other, both expressionless.


Re: Corrected Vision 3c/? anonymous October 21 2009, 00:20:58 UTC
Norway didn't stop Svalbard as the young island took the third-full bottle of vodka and downed it in one shot. "I was thirsty," Svalbard said. "And cold. I feel warmer now."

Precis denna gammala gitarr och ett tomglas av fylla... The smoke from the vaporizing beer didn't seem to affect Sweden's singing. It also didn't do anything to improve it.

"You shouldn't be drinking that much at your age," Norway said, looking into the blank stare of his son and replicating it.

"You were drinking when you were younger than I was. And that really wasn't much vodka, considering who..."

"Let's not get into that," Norway said. Again, the silence took hold. This time, Norway decided to break it. "So, how's the job going?"

"The job is incredibly boring," Svalbard replied, again calmly, almost without judgment. "Guarding seeds from the rest of the world. I have almost been tempted to take Father's offer to go down into the mines. It may be back-breaking, but the variety of possible deaths makes it interesting."

Nu klandrar jag inte honom orsakar honom kör och dolde...

"You've been given an important and wonderful responsibility, guarding the seed bank. The way you have handled that responsibility has made me proud. I don't believe you should go down into the mines. You're too good for that." Norway ignored the talk of deaths; after all, he'd heard more serious Death Metal songs about the subject, and humans who were willing to live the life. Svalbard wasn't that way.

"I wish I could believe you," Svalbard responded. Again, the silence.

"You will stay with me until the conference is over," Norway said. "Spend some time with me and your uncle. Perhaps I can make you believe me."

"I will do so," Svalbard said, getting up from the couch. "Now, I will find my other father. He has not seen me in a great while. I will return after that." As Svalbard began leaving the room, Norway would have loved nothing more than to get up and stop the island, to protect him from his other father. He couldn't get up, though. Iceland's recent revelation had caused Norway to re-evaluate his opinion of family and its importance. Like it or not, Svalbard had another father, and that father deserved time with him too. All Norway could do was look at the empty bottle of vodka and try to wish it full again.


Re: Corrected Vision 3d/? anonymous October 21 2009, 00:21:55 UTC
Men det mest genomsnittliga tinget som han gjorde någonsin..., Sweden sang, as he heard a familiar voice from in back of him say, "Now that was a mouthful!"

Sweden turned and looked down. Sealand saw his "father" begin to exhibit a very familiar expression, one which, in Sealand's mind, would inexorably lead to Dambolis. But, suddenly, unexpectedly, Sweden broke into a smile, bent down, and hugged Sealand. While returning the hug, Sealand's face again went into shock.

"Now, son," Sweden said as he loosened his grip, "you know yer not supposed ta be here. Those other cusses don't take kindly to micronations, especially you, with what you've pulled."

"Dad, are you enunciating?" Sealand asked. "And in a strange accent?"

Now it was Sweden's turn to appear confused. "What are you talkin' about, boy? That fancy talk 'a yours." Sweden then turned toward Denmark. "Not like when we were his age, right? We were off maraudin'. No time for book-learnin'."

"Here's to marauding," Denmark said as he lifted his beer in a toast. The grill began to sizzle in a rather ominous fashion in response.

"Gotta watch this a little right now," Sweden said to Sealand. "Go say howdy to your Uncle Denny there for a sec, got it?" Sweden then turned his attention to the grill while Sealand walked over toward Denmark, shaking his head slightly.

"Denmark," Sealand began, "does Dad seem...well, a little bit strange to you? Did anything happen to him today? Mental breakdown, invasion, BWO breaking up?"

"Nothing happened to him that I know," Denmark said. "And if a nation can't act strange once in a while...well, that's sure to drive him crazy, you know?" Denmark drained his beer, threw the can aside, and popped open another Carlsberg. "Looking at him right now takes me back. We were only a little bit older than you...me, him, and Norge."

"Back during the Viking days, right? That bastard brother of mine told me about how you and Norway were back then."

"And I'm sure he had nothing good to say about us." Sealand's smile answered Denmark's query. "I haven't had any of your dad's cooking in a long time. Since way before he and your other dad ran away from me."

"But he's...he's barbecuing!" Sealand exclaimed.

"When we were together, give your dad a fire and a freshly-killed animal, and he was a diva. Looks like he's getting it back. If he's weird right now, I don't mind it too much. This is a weird that I can work with. Kinda like Prussia, in a way. Maybe he and I can really mend those fences." Denmark's normal smile turned wistful for a second.

"Well, I do mind it," Sealand responded. "I've got to find out what's going on here. He's my dad, after all." Sealand turned and tugged at Sweden's coat. "Dad?"

Sweden turned to Sealand. Apparently the crisis was over enough for him to pay attention. "What do you want, son?"

"Dad, what's a three-way?"

"I'll get Belgium over and the two of us can show you," Denmark said, apparently in between chugs at that moment.

Sweden blushed a little. "Where did ya hear that term?"

"Åland said it when he told me to go to my room. He said he was going to have one with Faroe and Canary."

Sweden's blush then turned into a smile. "My eldest, having his first three-way. Whew, I'm gettin' old." He looked down at Sealand again, still smiling. "You know what? You're gettin' old too. Growin' into a man. It's time for you to begin your first lesson in becomin' one."

"I already know where you keep the condoms and lube," Sealand said.

"Not that kinda lesson, son," Sweden said in return. "I'm talkin' about a more important lesson. In order to be a real man, you need ta learn how to properly bar-bee-cue. No time like the present." Sweden pointed to the bowl that he'd earlier poured beer into. "Get the sauce, son. It's time to marinate these puppies."

Sealand grabbed the bowl of barbecue sauce and began to think. Denmark says that this is a weird he can work with. Maybe...maybe it's a weird I can work with too...


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes anonymous October 21 2009, 00:23:03 UTC

Remember, Sweden has switched glasses with America, so he's currently wearing Texas. In Chapter 1, he stated that he had a taste for barbecue, so...

Alert! Computer Translation! Danger! And apologies to every Swede, everywhere, for doing that. But it's tough to remain Anon and ask someone for a translation.

Apologies for yet another OC, but this Svalbard's been percolating for a while now. I still want to show Svalbard in action on his job guarding the Global Seed Vault. He's a badass little kid, just as you'd expect considering who his two fathers are.

Åland (Swedish)/Ahvenanmaa (Finnish) is such a common character in SuFin stories these days that I don't need to explain who he is. The Faroe Islands and Canary Islands have similar status to Åland vis-a-vis Denmark and Spain, respectively.

Sweden is singing two songs here. The first one is "Home On The Range". The second one, if you get it, you get an IKEA gift certificate for a billion Internets. Then you get to kill me when the song title hits you, if you can find me, that is.

Lone Star is a beer made in Texas. Carlsberg, of course, is Denmark's most famous brand.

The US Supreme Court ruling in 2003 that struck down all sodomy laws in the United States came about due to a case out of Texas, which was one of nearly twenty states to have sodomy laws on the books at the time. Thus, Tex!Sweden would still feel uncomfortable about his sexual relationship with Finland.


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes Addendum anonymous October 21 2009, 00:49:50 UTC
Iceland recognizes the tune of "Home On The Range" due to the long-standing presence of a US airbase on his soil. He picked it up from the Junior Birdmen.


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes anonymous October 21 2009, 01:36:36 UTC
I cannot put words together to possibly let you know how much I love you for the way you wrote the Nordics in this chapter. Svalbard was ♥ and Sweden was absolutely fantastic as a verbally doting dad and BBQ-ing hubby and Denmark just taking it in stride while the others drink themselves into a stupor and gah. This is fantastic even if the Swedish was hard to understand in patches


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes anonymous October 21 2009, 17:21:12 UTC
A boy named Sue

Pffffft. I love you. <3


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes anonymous October 21 2009, 18:38:43 UTC
OP here again,
Ah~ I'm so loving Texas!Sweden in all parts especially with Sealand! XD

Awesome!anon writer, you're the best! I love to see more!
I wonder who's next..?

Grrr, I want to draw this.. I-I really do.
Is it possible for OP to become an anon!artist too? ^^;


Author!Anon here again... anonymous October 21 2009, 23:28:28 UTC
Who's next? Well, the plot dictates the order, since I have to have some sequences occur in a particular sequence...hold it, that's pretty much what "plot" means, doesn't it? Here are the current plans:

Chapter 4 will be Estonia!America, Russia, and Belarus, followed by Svalbard's meeting with his other father. I love Li'l Badass in his parka and Carhartts, and I can't resist the opportunity to put him up against Russia. Also, another OC gets introduced: pretty much the favorite collective OC of the Kink Meme, and she makes a realization...

Chapter 5 will be Latvia and Lithuania having lunch with Orange, with a mysterious voice attempting to interrupt them, a voice that no one seems to know where it's coming from or who it might be (naturally, it's Canada!Estonia). Also, Vietnam breaks some bad news to France.

Chapter 6 will be Thailand!Mongolia having his meeting with Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus on the subject of Mongol ladyboy bars, and Texas!Sweden gets an offer for some Tex-Mex to go along with the barbecue.

Chapter 7 will focus on Austria!Canada and his lifestyle changes, with a very concerned Cuba and Ukraine along for the ride. And for those people who were depressed that Hanatamago didn't show up in Chapter 3, Kumajiro will make an appearance in this chapter.

By Chapter 8, the Roofies will have worn off, and Sweden!Austria will be awake. But he's not alone.

Author!Anon is going to try to get a lot of this stuff done over the weekend, because Author!Anon is beginning an out-of-town consultancy on Monday.


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes anonymous October 27 2009, 06:27:59 UTC
Anon, I adore you and I wish that you would go and write every single kink meme request ever.

Your knowledge of the countries is a breath of fresh air, and there isn't a single characterisation I find off. It's not even done but I've been enjoying this a lot more than I have other fills, as of late.

And with that, I tip my hat to you.


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes anonymous October 28 2009, 14:04:41 UTC
I feel bad for adding another comment to a fast-filling part 7, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm mailing you my soul right now as proper payment for this awesome fic.

Yes, I know where you live.


Re: Corrected Vision 3 Notes anonymous October 22 2010, 20:52:55 UTC
Oh my goodness. A Boy Named Sue...You win the internet, Anon. Su-san, oh Su-san. I loved Finland's 'Do you happen to notice that I have a cock?' line. It's so...wow, so Finland somehow. XD

reCAPTCHA: Torrid witch...yes, England, you are...


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