Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (2/5) anonymous October 7 2009, 07:59:51 UTC
Peter punched the air enthusiastically; Swedish meatballs were on the menu! “Alright then, Raivis and I will be in my room til then!” Grabbing Raivis’ hand, Peter led the way through the house, almost bouncing in anticipation. The Latvian boy was exceedingly more nervous, throwing many a glance back at Tino who just gave him a friendly shrug. Was no one in this house going to help him?!

The door to Peter’s room slammed quickly shut and before Raivis could turn and spit out, “Wait, Pete--”, the younger was upon him, hands guiding him rather persuasively towards the bed...

“P-Peter!” Raivis squeaked, arms flailing as he fell, butt first, onto the bed, “W-w-wait... wait a second! Ah!”

“Wait for what?” The boy asked, face all adorably confused.

“Your parents...”

“Are downstairs.”

“B-but... but, they’re so c-close!”

Peter grinned, leaning in close enough so Raivis could feel his breath, warm against his reddening cheeks, “Not... as close as. I. Am.”


“...Raivis?” His tone was suddenly, unbearably cute. Almost like it had been when he was a younger boy.

“U-uh, yes?” Raivis felt himself drop his guard; bad move.

“I want a kiss.”

And despite being the one asking for it, Peter himself moved forward (although Raivis couldn’t help but do the same, mirroring the younger teen) and pressed their lips together. It tasted like snow, melting, and suddenly it was wet. Warm. Raivis moaned into their kiss as Peter turned his head to deepen it, tongue darting in and out confidently.

Neither wanted the moment to end, but unfortunately, they needed the air. Peter was the first to break, drawing back with a sharp intake of breath. Raivis surprised himself by leaning forward, fingers trembling around the blond locks of Peter’s hair and drawing the other boy back into another hot kiss.

Peter was quick on the uptake. He bit down gently on the Latvian’s lower lip, eliciting a breathy mewl. Working quickly, he slipped a hand under Raivis’ shirt, his cold fingers tracing ghostly circles around the other’s chest.

“A-aah! ...Peter... p-please...” Fists balled up against Peter’s front, Raivis moaned again as Peter’s attacked renewed in the form of a teasing tongue trailing hot and fast down his jaw, his neck...

“AH!” Had the boy bitten him?! “D-don’t... not so hard...” Raivis tried to draw back, his whole body flushed and shaking, “Y-you might... might leave a hick--NNGH.”

Peter wasn’t listening. The boy grinned into the bite, letting his boyfriend feel his teeth against that luscious skin. Alternately licking and biting at the sensitive collarbone of the trembling boy under him, Peter took the chance to curl his hand in Raivis’ hair, the other hand running nails down... down...where it hooked onto the front of Raivis’ pants.

Under that touch, Raivis felt his muscles tighten. This way okay, he trusted Peter. The other wouldn’t push... not like... Raivis shook his head quickly, no, now was not the time to think about those days with Ivan. Now was Peter. Sweet Peter who was - ohgod - w-was ... Raivis bit his lips and felt his eyes roll as Peter dug nails into his torso and bit down. Hard. Any thoughts escaped Raivis’ head as he suddenly found himself drawn closer into Peter’s body so that the friction between them was rapidly turning into his biggest problem.

His breath quickened. The fingers in Peter’s hair curled, the knuckles turning white. Raivis felt himself flush... further down, the blood rushing in places where it r-really... shouldn’t... Peter’s hand flitted across the material of his pants, nnhhhh.... it was so close. Just, if he’d just...

And then just as abruptly, he felt confident hands pushing away on his chest. Peter pushing him off, scuttling over to the other side of the bed. Raivis mewled out a small protest. But Peter was turning to the door, there were footsteps falling silent before it, then a creak as it was opened. A tall shadow fell across the room, “Din’ er’s red’ y.”

Raivis blanched. That was much too close.


LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (3/5) anonymous October 7 2009, 08:05:42 UTC
Fifteen minutes later and the four were seated at the family dinner table, Berwald and Tino opposite Peter and Raivis. A casual conversation struck up between Raivis and Tino, “So, how old are you again?”

“Uh, n-nineteen, sir.”

“Sir? Tino is fine, really,” the other smiled. Nothing seemed to perturb this man, Raivis thought, suddenly wanting to headdesk against the table over and over again. Not even discovering his son, Peter, in a rather intimate situation at the door...

“N-nineteen, T-Tino!” He corrected himself. Then, the bombshell.

“Are you enjoying his balls?”

H-his what?! Raivis dropped his fork with a clatter, “U-uh...!! A-ah!!”

Tino waved a hand over his partner, “Berwald’s meatballs, are they to your liking? We don’t get many people eating Swedish foods... so...”

“O-oh! Yes, they’re v-very good!” Phew, Raivis felt himself relaxing a little; Tino hadn’t seemed to notice his slip up, though, judging by Peter’s face... he had. Of all the things the generally oblivious boy could have picked up on! Raivis suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of dread, sneaking up and pouncing on him. Oh this night couldn’t possibly get worse for him...right...?

“I really like his balls, personally.” Peter piped in, unhelpfully.

Raivis blinked nervously, trying to block Peter out, “A-ah, yes. Mr. Berwald,” he turned his gaze at the domineering man, “T-thank you for the food. It’s delicious--”

There was silence from the tall man, as he peered severely over his spectacles. Raivis felt a sweat drop forming as he squirmed in his seat, feeling like a butterfly being pinned down by the piercing glare. “Uhm...”

“Wh’ are y’ intent’ns towards m’ son?” The words were measured, serious.

“...e-err...” Raivis bit his lip, telling himself to get a grip. He fought down the fear and the unbearable urge to flail his arms about; he needed to remain in control. Answer bravely.

“Ah, I-I i-intend,” and that was as far as he got before there were questing fingers tickling his thigh under the table. Raivis felt his brain short-circuit. Peter’s fingers were heading dangerously close to that sensitive junction between his legs. Unhelpfully, his body was reacting to the teasing touch, the heat pooling in his abdomen.

“W-well sir, my intentions are to t-treat Peter here with as much c-care,” Raivis suppressed a needy whimper, “as much care as he shows me.” Berwald remained impassive, did he want more? Raivis glanced over at Tino, who was giving him encouraging nods. “He’s been one of my best frieeeends...” the last syllable ended as a breathy half-moan as Peter’s hand palmed the growing bulge in his pants.

Raivis flushed.

Oh dear god he was going to go insane before the end of the night, this was cruel and unusual torture. Nevertheless, he tried to continue, egged on by the hard stare of Peter’s father, “a-and I’d like to be a...” - Peter’s hand, rubbing lightly, making him squirm, “a...companion...” - harder now and Raivis felt himself go hard, oh god, oh GOD, - “t-to him, ah!!” He cried out as the hand grabbed him firmly down there and found himself suddenly standing up, stumbling out of his chair, his mouth making excuses about needing the bathroom.

Peter grinned evilly behind the napkin he was using to wipe his mouth, appearing suave and cool before his parents. He stood up as well, “I’ll just be a second... showing Raivis where the bathroom is.” He gave his boyfriend a subtle wink.


LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (4/5) anonymous October 7 2009, 08:10:05 UTC
Raivis was out of the room in a flash, hiding his glaring erection. Where was he going? Heck if the boy knew... “To the right.” Peter called from behind him and he turned the corner... wait. This most definitely was not the bathroom because he was in a plain looking room furnished conveniently with a double bed.

“Guest bedroom,” Peter winked, chuckling, “Useful, yes?”

Raivis just stared.

Peter stuck out a tongue, “I know, sneaky plan, eh? I am the great
Sealand after all.”

The Latvian boy felt his mouth open and close, but no sound came out.

“And because I’m so great and big hearted,” Peter started again, scooting closer, “I think I’ll help you out with your little... problem.”

Under his ribcage, Raivis’ heart thundered. He should say something... stop Peter now, before... before...

It was too late.

In a second, Peter had him pinned to the bed, one hand holding his arms down above his head, the other working furiously on unzipping his pants. Peter seemed eager, he was always eager. Raivis tried to protest, murmuring a soft, “...n-no...” which quickly turned to, “nnnhh... yes...”

Dinner? Time? Keeping the parents waiting?

The thoughts flew out of Raivis’ head when with strong fingers, Peter yanked his pants down and wrapped a hand around his throbbing cock. Raivis moaned, the sound escaping hot and heavy from his lips. He wanted more, so much more...

Peter seemed to understand, “Shhhh... try and be quiet.”

And the hand pumped harder, sliding along his length roughly, the lack of lubrication only serving to heighten the friction. Raivis could feel his stomach knot, his hips starting to thrust up to meet the heated palm of Peter’s hand. Harder; the tempo was dizzying, Raivis wanted this so badly now. Pre-cum slicked the top of his quivering cock. Faster; still in his socks and shoes, Raivis felt his toes curling; his hands fisted the bed sheets.

“Aaaahhhhhhh! Peter...!” He was so close now, he was, oh god, he was going to-

The hand stopped dead, falling completely still as Raivis absolutely keened at the loss of touch, his hips thrust up in a bid for contact, any contact at all. He squirmed under Peter’s grip, whimpering, “D-don’t stop...”

“Shhhh...!” Peter hissed again quickly as Raivis bit his lip, forcing the words back. Instead, he looked up and caught Peter’s dark sea-blue eyes. They were glittering lovingly. Dangerously. And filmed over in a dark desire that Raivis had never seen before on the younger boy.

“Trust me.” Was all Peter said, and Raivis did just that.

Not breaking eye contact, Peter started shifting down, painfully slowly. What was he doing? Raivis thought, not for the first time that night. Why was he-- it was suddenly so clear what Peter’s intentions were as a wet warmth enveloped his cock. Raivis sucked in a breath, trying not to ram the rest of his throbbing erection in with the rest. His breathing hitched.

An intrepid tongue darted out to run up and down, Peter moaned as he tasted every ridge, every quiver, every flavour of that heated flesh. He sucked hard, taking more of Raivis into his mouth.


The husky voice above him urged Peter on as he bobbed his head up and down quickly, wrapping a lithe tongue around the hard cock.

“Oh, Peter... y-yes...! Ah!” Raivis muttered unintelligibly, babbling, the tightness around him pushing him over the edge. He was pumping mercilessly into Peter’s mouth, both hands tangled in the sheets as he threw his head back, eyes shut, back arching and screamed.


Raivis came hard into Peter’s throat, hips bucking wildly as every muscle spasmed and stars exploded behind his closed eyelids. He took a deep, shaky breath, trying to calm down as his body fell back against the bed, spent and exhausted.

Raivis trembled as the younger boy moved up along his body, landing a small kiss on his lips. There was the taste of his seed still on Peter’s tongue. A salty tang that tasted sweet to him. Raivis blushed suddenly as he realised that Peter had swallowed. And enjoyed it.

“Mmm, Rai, think I’d rather have you for dinner.” Peter said with a sleepy grin.

“Oh no!” The Latvian yelped, sitting up, “Dinner!”


Re: LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (5/5) (END) anonymous October 7 2009, 08:19:18 UTC

~*~THE END~*~


Re: LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (5/5) (END) anonymous October 7 2009, 13:12:06 UTC
WOah that was awesome anon..Protective Sweden is <3 xD


Re: LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (5/5) (END) anonymous October 7 2009, 13:20:19 UTC
Oh god Swenden. XDDDDD.

Fffff so awesome, whyyyyyy?


Re: LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (5/5) (END) anonymous October 7 2009, 22:27:26 UTC
Aahahahaha, that was amazing. <333 The end was hilarious, ahahah, oh Sweden...


Re: LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (5/5) (END) anonymous October 7 2009, 23:43:36 UTC
Best SeaLat fic with a side of SuFin ever. The last line in that picture just clinches it. XD Protective!Sweden is so awesome. XD God I'm saving this to my hard drive, no joke.


Re: LATVIA'S NIGHT OF [MIS]FORTUNE (5/5) (END) anonymous October 8 2009, 21:32:26 UTC
Filler!Anon is surprised by all the lovely comments <3 ILU ALL. BUT SWEDEN MOST. NO WAIT, SWEDISH MEATBALLS MOST.

sorry for lacking artskillz =D


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