Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Dark Frontier: Rattlesnake anonymous August 29 2009, 03:54:36 UTC
The beady black eyes gave no hint to the reptile’s feelings but the tail did a fine job of telling America it was angry at him. For his part, America decided the smart thing would be not to make any sudden movements. Partly hidden in the grass and concealed in the darkness the Rattlesnake only let its head be revealed as it focused on America. He tried to resist the urge to blink as the snake slithered closer to him, rattling all the way. A foot away now and the creature of his Dream slowly lifted itself higher to better see into his eyes…

America watched as trains carrying Japanese-Americans left there stations for some remote areas of California. Confused and forlorn faces stared at him from the windows. America stared back, not knowing what to think. They would be taken to internment camps for the duration of the war.

Another time and place, America hammered down a spike before wiping the sweat off his brow. The desert was not a friendly place but the railroads had to go somewhere. It was the end of the week; pay day. He walked up to the boss along with his fellow workers, many of them Chinese who like him worked all day for the train companies setting rails and cutting down trees. A week’s labor and wages a half of America’s they received. They didn’t protest so America kept his mouth shut. If they didn’t think it was unfair who was he to say anything?

Again the world changed. Somewhere in the South the bodies of colored men hung from the trees. Kidnapped from their homes in the dead of the night or taken right off the streets. Having done nothing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be of a darker shade of skin. Wives and children gathered around the swinging bodies crying hopeless tears as police looked on with indifference. America spared them a pitying glance and then went about his business. Another time as he left the voting booth, he found the beaten and bleeding bodies of those black people who had dared to vote for the future of their country. America quickly turned around and took another route home, disgust on his face but no conviction to do anything about it.

The Rattlesnake struck. America leapt back, narrowly avoiding the creature’s fangs and lost his balance. He hit the ground, dropping his gun and scrapping his palms on the hard dirt. The Rattlesnake curled back up while America scrambled away on his hands and feet. It lashed out again and again America barely dodged a mouthful of venom. Hissing and shaking its tail, the Rattlesnake slithered closer to attempt another deadly bite. Moving faster and more deliberately than any rattlesnake had a right to, really. Never did the reptile take its eyes off of him, never giving him a chance to justify himself, lashing out at his hypocrisy and spinelessness over the years. If snakes could talk this one would be mockingly chanting: “Freedom, Justice, Equality!” while it tried to poison him both with its venom and those shameful memories.

The memories couldn’t go away, nor could they be flimsily justified like those brought to him from the Eagle. The Rattlesnake wanted to torment America, keep him moving until he tired out. Pay the price for neglecting his own people.


Re: Dark Frontier: Rattlesnake anonymous October 30 2011, 08:21:13 UTC
This was very well done. I particularly appreciated your choices for the symbolism. I miss the rattlesnake as America's animal lol.

Normally, I don't care for America/Vietnam (I'm conservative military!anon and America is by no means completely over the rage of that war) but you dealt with it delicately.


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