Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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New World Order 01 anonymous August 24 2009, 07:41:36 UTC
Maybe like this? IDK

Two thousand five hundred meters under the dry asphalt of New York City, there was a building constructed from technology that most Nations could only dream of. The building was completely self-sustainable producing a majority if not all the energy. Little was needed from the outside world so it remained undetectable to anyone except for those who knew it existed under the surface of the earth. Waste produced in the building was recycled and oxygen wasn't a problem with machines that broke down carbon dioxide into a completely harmless molecule that one could breathe.

Though perfectly sustainable and beyond the imagination of even LEED standards, the building was not lived in. In fact, only few members even knew of the building's existence because its purpose was to be headquarters for nice and harmless nations to gather together and bitch about the other less nice but still more powerful nations.

Sitting in the middle of the conference room was a round table made of a dark and heavy oak, and on one of the four walls enclosing that space was a sign that read: N.I.C.E. which stood for Nations with Interest in Creating Evil Earth, written with a black marker on a piece of poster paper tacked on underneath the group's name plaque. Beneath that was the organization's motto, their oh so important creed that they must never forget: "Nice guys finish last."

Over each seat of the round table was a lamp hanging from the ceiling, casting just enough light to illuminate the person sitting beneath it and nothing more. When Canada first saw the room, he thought it was very cool in a very super secret evil league of nations sort of way. Not that they were evil mind you.

Canada grinned as he sat at his seat with various nations around him, looking at each and every nation in acknowledgment before he began, "Okay, this meeting of Nations with Interest in Creating Earth is now in session."

"Excuse me," Seychelles interrupted, raising her hand to speak. "But why is it 'Creating Earth'? Wouldn't it make more sense that it's 'Creating New Earth'? That's why we're here right? We want to make the world better?"

"But then we'd have to change our name to NICNE which doesn't have as nice a ring to it," Canada said, his mouth thinned, his face partially eclipsed as he leaned forward to look at Seychelles better.

"Then how about NINWO?" Liechtenstein suggested quietly, her green eyes pinned on Canada's half hidden form. "Nations with Interest in a New World Order."

"Can we drop the Nations with Interest? It's such a mouthful, maybe New World Order would work better?" Finland asked, blinking at Canada in the darkness. "Canada, can you please lean back? We can't really see you."

"Sorry," Canada apologized bashfully as he leaned back into the light. "Then do you want to be the New World Order?"

"I like it. It explicitly states our intentions without being pretentious," Ukraine smiled, her hands neatly folded in front of her.

Latvia raised his hand and the others' attention turned to him. It actually made him a little nervous at have that many people focus on him at once. "M-maybe it would be okay to be the Legion of Ernest Nations? Because our intentions are good, right?"

"Legion of Evil Nations? I like it," Seychelles grinned, beaming at Latvia. "It's to the point, not to mention that it sounds neat."

"W-wait, I didn't say--"

"Then our acronym would be LEN," Finland muttered, making notes on the notepad in front of him before clearing his throat. "I agree with Seychelles."

"I thought we decided on our name in the last meeting," Thailand sighed, his glasses winking under the glow of his light. "Are we ever going to get on with it? We're kind of wasting time, and people are going to wonder where we wandered off to."

"Well, it seems like people want to change our name again," Liechtenstein responded, giving him a small smile. "Maybe we can settle this time."

"Whatever," Canada sighed, "Our name isn't that important, but if you guys really want, we can be the Legion of Evil Nations. Is everyone okay with that? This is the last time we're changing our name okay? It's already the 3rd time. Those who wish to change our name, say 'aye.'"

Latvia's small sound of protest drowned in the chorus of ayes.


OP anonymous August 24 2009, 08:04:45 UTC
Anon, you have me grinning so hard at this. They're all so polite about world domination! Makes you wonder if they'll ever get past the naming part of the plan. :)

Very awesome. Thank you so much for writing this!


Re: New World Order 01 anonymous August 24 2009, 17:21:18 UTC
Cute, I hope for more!


New World Order 02 anonymous August 24 2009, 20:32:47 UTC
"Okay! Then this meeting of the Legion of Evil Nations is now in session," Canada said, grinning brightly at the small group. "So last time, we were discussing Operation Civilization X. Unfortunately, due to some... unforeseen circumstances," Canada paused and looked pointedly at Finland who flushed and pouted because it was Sweden's fault. "We had to end early and we only got to naming our grand master plan.

"If anyone has a suggestion on--"

"I propose that we simultaneously attack the targeted nations," Thailand interrupted, fiddling with his smart phone for a moment before a three dimensional projection of the globe popped up on the table much to the amazement of the other nations.

For a moment, everyone stared at the globe in awe. The oceans were various shades of blue while the landmasses comprised of yellows, greens, and browns. Even the icy landmasses were on the map, and moving too!

"When did we get that installed?" Finland asked, leaning forward to get a better look at the projection. "It's an amazing representation."

"This is so cool! I want one at home," Seychelles said, moving her head side to side to look at the projection from different angles.

Ukraine leaned over to Thailand with her hand reaching for the cellular phone turned remort controller in the man's possession, "How does it work? Can I try it?"

"Oh, sure," Thailand said, offering the mobile to Ukraine as he entered into her light zone to show her how to work it. He was really eager to show off his new toy. "So you press this button to get it to turn on, and it sends satellite images immediately into the projector so this is real time picture. I just modified the satellites we sent last year so that they worked to send images too."

"You're not supposed to be messing with the Doomsday devices! Even if this is kind of cool," Canada scolded half-heartedly. "What if you broke it?"

Thailand frowned, "I didn't break it. They still work."

"How would you know, Thailand? Did you test them?"

Thailand's mouth twisted to one of concern, "Well... no..."

"Maybe we should fire one, just to make sure they still work," Latvia suggested innocently, looking at the other nations with a small smile.

"That's a good idea," Liechtenstein agreed, clapping her hands in childish delight. "Maybe we can hit land instead of ocean this time."

The group of nations murmured in agreement because none of the previous tests ever hit land before. They always agreed to aim water because it was less harmful to the other nations that way... and if the blast wiped out an island or two, it really wasn't their fault and no one would be any wiser. Last time, they blamed it on a tsunami, and the only island they ever accidentally flooded over with was an island called Atlantis that no one really knew about. And that was a really long time ago.

"Okay, Nations, where should we target?" Finland asked, looking at the map slowly rotating before their eyes before continuing to take minutes for the meeting.

"Maybe Côte d'Ivoire? Their political system is still unstable enough for an attack to be seen as nothing more than terrorism," Seychelles suggested, combing her fingers through her pigtails. "Or even Spain. They've been having problems with the Basques terrorist lately."

"Every attack on the United States is a terrorist attack," Canada added. Everyone stared at him, most of them with a small frown which only made Canada shrug. "I'm just saying."

"We don't want to start another war... yet," Latvia said reasonably, tugging at the cuffs of his blazer. "We need a nation that won't scapegoat another nation."

"Every nation would scapegoat another nation," Thailand countered with a sigh, pushing his glasses back to the bridge of his nose. "We are living in the age of terrorism scares."

"England wouldn't," Ukraine said rather suddenly, only to have everyone's eyes pinned on her in question. "After what happened with Canary Wharf, I think England would probably blame it on aliens."

A few of the nations snorted, trying to conceal their laughter.


Re: New World Order 02 anonymous August 25 2009, 07:16:22 UTC
They destroyed Atlantis? Oh no, they really are evil!

"After what happened with Canary Wharf, I think England would probably blame it on aliens."

Is that a Doctor Who reference I spy? ;)



Re: New World Order 02 anonymous August 25 2009, 21:21:54 UTC
in awe. how old is...len? (love how canada pushes america to be the nation shot....oh canada) and canary wharf...-snorts- genius. just genius.


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