Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Re: No Known Cure (3.5~Interlude/?) anonymous August 13 2009, 17:13:39 UTC
Somewhere, in a place that very few know about, there is a file stamped with the words “Top Secret.” Of course there are plenty of files with that description, but there is one file in particular that everyone wants to get their hands on, for inside of it is the truth. Inside this folder are papers, documents, detailing the creation and testing of the horror known as “Red Death.” The top paper in this file reads thus:

File #08766221:

Name: Orthomyxoviridae curaliumorti

Nickname: Red Death

Status: Testing Stage

Description: Biological Weapon


-Contagion: Spread through the air or the exchange of bodily fluid. Employees must put on masks when working.

-Symptoms: coughing, fever, fatigue, red hard sores appearing on the body; Sores similar to callouses to the touch, very firm; Three stages of infection (some subjects observed to have skipped one or two stages going to more advanced stages of the disease automatically)

-Stage 1: visible symptoms of cough and fever. Appears as common cold. Subjects general move on to Stage 2 in five(5) to eight (8) weeks. If subject does not proceed to Stage 2, death is assured in five months.

-Stage 2: red sores and fatigue appear. Organ weakening/failure. Subjects generally die within two (2) to four (4) weeks of entering this stage due to complications. Otherwise, progress to Stage 3.

-Stage 3: red sores bloat up significantly, giving the trademark “coral” appearance. Death assured in three (3) to seven (7) days.

Recommendation: So far, no cure has been found for this disease, only treatments to slow down the process and put it into a dormant state. It can, and will, flare up again. Recommending NO usage until cure, or another way to control it, is found.

Pity, isn't it, that someone did not read the last line?

Sorry for lack of action here...this is meant to clarify something about this universe, in particular “Red Death”. Laugh at my lame fail!attempt at official documents. Oh well, it looks official...ish. Oh well.

Oh, btw, if you look up the name “ Orthomyxoviridae curaliumorti” you'll get a hit for the first part. “ Orthomyxoviridae” is the family that influenza is part of, so yes, Red Death is related to the flu. “Curaliumorti” is utter BS, a combination of the Latin words for “red coral” and “death”.


Re: No Known Cure (3.5~Interlude/?) anonymous August 14 2009, 05:27:11 UTC
Oh my, Authornon, why so utterly fabulous?

*chokes on fumes of pure awesome*


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