Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Awesome Accidents [2/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 09:00:36 UTC
Peter locked his bike on the rack in front of Saving Grace Hospital, threw his backpack over his shoulder, ran through the automatic doors, past a sleeping security guard, and into the front desk.

“Excuse me, sir, but you can’t just run in here like a wild--” Eduard Von Bock looked up from his book and replaced his natural frown with a small grin. “Hello, Peter. It’s nice to see you here. Ravis is out to lunch right about now, but I’m sure if you come back later, he’ll be more then happy to spend time with you.”

The dirty blonde shook his head and adjusted the backpack that was slipping off his shoulder, trying to make an escape.

“No thanks, Ed. I’m actually here for Gilbert. Alfred told me he was taken to the ER this morning -unless he’s playing another joke on me, then I’ll kick his pompous ass- and that his leg’s pretty messed up. Do I have the story right so far?”

The older teen pushed up his glasses and nodded. He was acquaintances with the albino German and didn’t need to tear through the patient’s charts to tell Peter that the American boy he pals around with was telling the truth.

Eduard tore a small piece off from his makeshift flashcard-bookmark and started scribbling something down on it.

“Fourth floor, just left of the ICU but not in it, ” He assured before Peter had a panic attack. “First hall to the left, after you hit the bathrooms, make a right. It’s a the end of the hall; room 482.” Eduard over exaggeratingly ended his scribbling with an unnecessary period and passed the torn strip to the boy across the counter.

They shared a smile, a small gesture between friends. “And please, Peter, no--” but before the receptionist could stop the inevitable from happening, Peter Kirkland was grinning from ear to ear as an elevator door slid shut in front of him.

“…running.” Eduard finished lamely, looking around his workspace. The door guard, Aaron Rome, was awake now, smirking at him.

“Cute kid. About as stubborn as Doctor Germania, wouldn’t you say?” He laughed heartily and shifted in his chair.

The Estonian boy nodded and smiled. “Yeah, we all get to be like that at least once in our lives.” As quick as a blink, his smile went flaccid , forming into his signature frown, and he opened his book to the place his torn, makeshift flashcard-bookmark was keeping.


Peter was running as fast as his legs could take him, past the ICU, making a left, passing the bathrooms, and cutting a sharp right, almost knocking a cart of half-eaten food trays down.

“I’m sorry, miss! Glad you’re alright. I’ll watch where I’m going more often, et cetera, et cetera.” The boy swerved around the nurse and food kart, used to apologizing on the run.

Nurse Łukasiewicz sighed and brushed a few stray flecks of dust from his skirt. “Like, can’t you watch where you’re going, kid? God!” Sighing, the blonde saw that a few of the older male patients and a few younger females were blushing and smirking as they tried to get a look up the loose white article of clothing.

He pushed the cart down the hall, shook his ass a little as he walked, and mumbled under his breath, “Get a good, like, look you assholes. I totally have a pair of boxers under this, anyway.” And yet, he smirked. Boy, wouldn’t telling Toris about this later, when work was over, get him angry and possibly make him give Feliks a good time too. Score.


Gilbert was playing on his DS, clicking through the unnecessary dialogue and getting right to the good parts.

“Objection!…in my pants.” He finished and smirked, seeing that he had objected to the right thing, finally. Just as he was about to kick some von Karma ass, the door to his room was thrown open and a flash of white and blue appeared at his bedside.

When the white-haired teen shut his (awesomely crimson) DS lite, he looked up to stare into a pair of shimmering blue eyes.

“I heard about the crash,” Peter smiled, happy to see that his friend was awake, alive, and claiming to be the best at yet another video game. “So, moron…was it fun?”


The fact that Prussia has a bad leg...and I have two bad legs will really make writing this more realistic. Pfft. Who needs research when you have experience?


Re: Awesome Accidents [2/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 11:22:18 UTC
This is adorable! I can't wait to read more, and I love how IC Peter is.

Also go Prussia, someone needs to wipe the smirk of von Karma's face~


OP anonymous August 4 2009, 18:41:50 UTC
=O I hope you get better soon, anon!

OMG, Poland/Lithuania? You're an anon after my own heart. All the character cameos were great.
“Objection!…in my pants.” Oh, Gilbo. I lol'd. Your writing is just as awesome as he is.


Re: Awesome Accidents [2/?] anonymous August 5 2009, 07:46:19 UTC
OMG you included Rome and Germania. You win just for that.

Can't wait to read the rest of it!


Awesome Accidents [3a/?] anonymous August 7 2009, 12:06:50 UTC
Gilbert eyed the fourteen year old boy with a wide smirk. He would admit it, the kid was cute. Scratch that, the kid was fucking angelic. He had on dark jeans that followed every curve of his legs and ass, with a white polo shirt that, when the wind blew, was loose enough to show off the pale cream skin of his stomach. And, of course, he was wearing his signature baseball cap that was the same shade of blue as his eyes, making them stand out even more.

“Yeah,” Gilbert chuckled, “Better than getting hyped on caffeine with Al and Chris. I just flew off that ramp and everything froze…until I realized I had my leg stretched out.” They both laughed as the albino rolled over and put his DS on the tray next to his bed.

Peter smiled sadly, “That’s how you got that thing, right?” He pointed a long finger at his friend’s right leg. The appendage was elevated, swollen, and wrapped in a couple ace bandages. It looked like it hurt. There were a few cuts and stitches that peaked out from under the wrapping that made the smaller boy squirm.

Knowing what Peter was thinking, Gilbert grabbed his hand and ran his thumb along the smooth skin there. When they fixed their gazes and red met blue, the German teen gave a big goofy grin.

“I don’t feel a thing, I’m just that awesome.” Then, his eyes followed down the planes of his stomach to get an awkwardly angled glance at the elevated leg.

“Nothing else got messed up, ‘cept for a few splinters and scrapes on my right hand. The stupid motorcycle had me pressed against the fence, so, when I had my leg jammed in there, it was stuck at a painful angle and I couldn’t get out.”

“Thankfully, it was Liz’s place. She was in her pool when I crashed, so she ran out and called 911 on her cell phone. Then, she tried to help me get my leg out of her fence and, Jesus Christ, I’ve never swore that much at a girl before.”

Peter’s pained expression changed as the edges of his mouth quirked up slightly. “So, you feeling a little better?” He blushed when he finally noticed the hand that was squeezing his and got a small snicker for it.

“I’ve never felt better in my life. I mean, I thought spending all day in this hellhole would be boring…” He snickered again at seeing his friend’s blush darken. Hey, if he didn’t want to hold hands, all the kid had to do was pull away. “Then, you came.”

Peter gasped when he noticed how nervous he was getting, and tried to start more small talk to get out of the grave he was slowly digging for himself.

“I thought you were happy playing Phoenix Wright. I mean, there’s not many times in life that you get to use that brain of yours. What, with it‘s overload of smarts and all.” This made the albino laugh and Peter sighed in relief. Topic changed. He blush started fading.

Another good thing, the older teen let go of his hand. “Actually, I play to see Edgeworth. I mean, you have to admit, guys with dirty little secrets and unnatural colored hair are sexy.”

Peter’s eyes widened and his blush came back with a vengeance. But he had to admit, guys with dirty little secrets and unnatural colored hair were, indeed, sexy. And hot. And laying on the hospital bed right in fro--

No, he would not start acting soft in front of the toughest friend he had. He didn’t like way in hell.

“Yeah, right, bastard. People like smart, strong, hot, kick-ass, blonde guys better.” The dirty blonde replied, sticking his tongue out playfully.

Gilbert laughed and patted the other boy’s shoulder. “Yeah, but when did Matt get dragged into this?” He smiled, letting Peter know he was just joking.

They were both staring at each other with smiling lips and shining eyes that were covered with a fog of doubt and confusion. Out of all the friends both boys had, they were best friends. The best of the best. And even idiots like Im Yong Soo and Alfred could tell that they both wanted to be something more.



Awesome Accidents [3b/?] anonymous August 7 2009, 12:09:24 UTC
Peter was sweating and so close to shaking. He’d never dated before. Hell, he didn’t even know if he was gay. He wasn’t ready for anything, but, he couldn’t say no to his eighteen year old best friend while he was in the hospital. He couldn’t say no anyway. His tongue was a cinderblock that fell to the bottom of his mouth, not getting up any time soon.

The white-haired teen was blushing lightly as he reached for Peter’s face. Sandy blonde hair was pushed behind red ears by Gilbert‘s pale, shaking hands. The hands moved across heated cheeks and Peter was caught between wanting to slap them away or urging them on. Twitching fingers made their way, about to glide over untouched, pink lips until the door slammed open and an angry nurse stomped in.

Gilbert jumped when the nurse came in, freeing the young teen from his spell, and making him realise what just happened.

“I-I have to go.” Peter grabbed his backpack from one of the room’ chairs and stormed out the door, past the nurse, running with as much speed as he entered with.

“Gilbert! Hey! Potato bastard’s brother! Where in the hell did that dickhead go with my brother? Feliciano was here to take lunch break with me when he spotted your stupid brother in the cafeteria, and they just left. I swear, if they’re in the janitor’s closet again, I’ll--”

Nurse Vargas growled and sent a full-on glare towards the albino patient, who was still confused by what he’d just done.

“If they‘re in there, Mr. Karpusi ‘ll chase ‘em out.” Gilbert said softly, trying to replay the last five minutes in his head and get the nurse out of his room.

The angry Italian yelled, “He’s sleeping on one of the unoccupied hospital beds! Merda! Am I going to have to do this all by myself?” Looking over at the patient on the bed, his eyes were closed and he didn’t seem to be listening.

“Fine! But when I throw your potato bastard brother out one of the fourth floor windows, it’ll be all your fault!” Lovino stormed out the door again, letting it slam shut.

“It’s…all my fault, huh?” Gilbert whispered to himself, still trying to figure out what he did wrong.


And so I reach the half way mark. :3 Do ya like it so far? I'm glad I'm writing this, because you don't see much of this pairing around. It's like my OTP~

Tell me if this sucks and I shall strive to improve.

Thanks you to the OP and other anon comments. It means a lot to me.


OP anonymous August 8 2009, 02:10:58 UTC
Yes, anon, I love it and I am also glad you're writing it~ (and it totally does not suck!) The pairing really does need more love.
This is so adorably adorable. I can feel my teeth rotting :) I particularly love Peter. He's so fantastically IC. Awesome job~!


Re: Awesome Accidents [3b/?] anonymous August 10 2009, 04:27:58 UTC
Nurse Romano... Nurse Romano... Nurse Romano... 8DDDDDDDDDDDDD Does that make Spain a doctor too? He'll be awesome with kids.

Please don't stop now. It's great how it's going so far!


Re: Awesome Accidents [3b/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 05:27:26 UTC
First of all: AWWWW. Totally had no idea how badly I shipped this til now. XD

Second: ACE ATTORNEY. OH GOD. (And I lol'd at the "I play to see Edgeworth"...because I kind of do...")

Third: I literally cannot wait for more of this. God damn it, there's another tab to keep up until the story gets done. XD


Awesome Accidents [4a/?] anonymous August 21 2009, 23:39:25 UTC
“Peter? We were about to call you. Dinner’s done. Go wash up and then we’ll eat.” Tino had on a bright smile as he set a large bowl of something on the table. By the smell of it, they were having salmon something again.

Their family had had salmon dishes for the past week, thanks to the fishing trip they took the weekend beforehand. Not that anybody minded. Even Hanatamago liked to eat a strip of the orange fish meat every now and then.

Sometimes, though, his Dad had horrible recipes. But, since his Papa had almost the same taste in food,he didn’t mind whatever came out of the oven. Even Peter, who had to brave through his older brother Arthur’s cooking until he was put up for adoption, seemed to enjoy the Nordic food every now and again. Not like his taste buds weren’t dead already anyway.

When his backpack and hat were thrown into the mess of sheets on his bed, Peter skidded into the kitchen, his socks making him slide across the floor tiles until he was at the proper seat. Hanatamago barked after him and promptly jumped into the boy’s lap when he sat down.

Dinner turned out to be lohikiusaus. Dad’s dinners were alright. He and Papa usually made similar dishes, anyway. So, it was either get used to the food or eat at his friends’ houses every night. And, as nice as most of his and his parents’ friends were, if he had to eat one more pierogi while Felix bitched about his boyfriend or one more bowl of pasta with Mr. Antonio and Lovino arguing on the side, he was going to break down and give up eating for good.

When he polished his plate off, Peter avoided the questions about Gilbert’s condition and bolted for his room. After jogging up the steps, Hanatamago not too far behind, Peter threw open his door, entered his bedroom, and locked the door behind him.

Hanatamago followed, his fluffy white tail wagging behind him as the fur ball leaped onto Peter’s bed. Somehow, the dog always slid into the room before there was time to lock him out. When the boy flopped down on his bed, his dog was all too happy to use his chest as a pillow. Peter grunted at the weight on his chest, but gave in and ran his fingers through the canine’s snowy curls.

The teen pulled his azure covers over the two of them and closed his eyes, ignoring the dog’s worried stare. He was tired as all hell and his mind was racing miles a minute. There was no way everything at the hospital really happened.

He’d never thought about having a girlfriend. Even when the boys started getting weak in the knees around Ivan’s older sister, Halyna. Even when Matthew began having after school ‘sessions’ with Mr. Bonnefoy. Even when girls like Freija and Elizaveta started spying on those aforementioned ‘sessions’ and sporting nasty nosebleeds. Even if someone were to profess their unending love to him, it wouldn’t have changed anything.

After he was separated from Arthur, it was a big change. Going from a lonely heartbroken Brit to a happy homosexual couple made Peter’s head do a 360. Tino and Berwald were always good parents, but when he was picked on at school for being adopted by a gay couple, that helped the sandy blonde decide on not dating for a long while. It only hurt others.

One of the days when he was being slammed against his locker by a few thugs from his class, a group of kids passed them by and, without second thoughts, beat the pulp out of the people ganging up on Peter. When the boy opened his eyes, there stood his new friends.

Since that day, nobody else has ever picked on him because of his parents or his life in general. With Alfred Jones, Matthew Williams, Im Yong Soo, Chris Lambert, and Gilbert Weillschmidt standing up for him, Peter not only felt safe; he didn’t feel lonely anymore.



Awesome Accidents [4b/?] anonymous August 21 2009, 23:41:06 UTC
Peter broke out of his daydream state when there was a knock on his bedroom door. Hanatamago jumped off the teens stomach and scurried over to the door, standing on his hind legs and scratching ath the piece of wood with trimmed nails.

The sandy blonde frowned at the loss of warmth, but sat up and invited his guest in, telling them that it was open.

When Peter let his head fall back onto the pillows, a pale hand pushed his door open and revealed the worried face of a certain wavy-haired Canadian.

“He wants to say he’s sorry.” The older boy whispered, shutting the door behind him as he stepped into Peter’s cluttered room.


So, finally another update. I'm so glad you guys like this so far. And the comments about Peter being very IC...I've never noticed that before. ^^; Guess I just go with the flow.
OP, I will pay your dentist bill for those rotting teeth, ja?
I'm so glad people like it so much. Nurse Romano will have another part soon. Ace Attorney is my second love right now, so expect more idiotic game playing from Gilbert. And I will keep this going for as long as I can. I have a list of over thirty things to do before school starts (in three weeks, daaaaaaaaaaamn) and once I finally get back into school, I'll have more inspiration for you.
Glad you all like this. :3 And the pairing. Join the pack; ship Sealand/Prussia.
ReCaptcha: easies R.1; the new brand of easy.
ReCaptcha again: lips 12. They want Sealand back to his younger age, don't they? Pedos! >D


Awesome Accidents [4cameosandotherstuff/?] anonymous August 21 2009, 23:50:59 UTC
Forgot to do this before. Sorry.

lohikiusaus - salmon and potato casserole, lit. "salmon temptation" - Finnish but similar to a Swedish dish as well.
Halyna - Ukraine's human name in this story.
Freija - Belgium's human name in this story.
Chris Lambert - Australia's human name in this story.

): Sorry I forgot to put this with b. Anon is a 'tard, plz?

And having to wear braces galore on my legs for the last few weeks of vacation has really inspired the next chapter with Gilbo in it.

Be afraid; be very afraid. >3


OP Here anonymous August 22 2009, 02:46:25 UTC
Oh anon, you've made my crappy day far less crappy. Totally can't wait for the next chapter! <3


Re: Awesome Accidents [4cameosandotherstuff/?] anonymous August 22 2009, 03:56:09 UTC
Anon totally loves this! Seldom has fics of Sealand be this deep and in-depth, and he's totally IC here. Awwwwwwwwww~ And Hanatamago... <33333333333

Can't wait to read more~


Re: Awesome Accidents [4cameosandotherstuff/?] anonymous August 27 2009, 21:50:03 UTC
First of all, I love the way you write. Second of all, I love this story. Third, YAY.


Awesome Accidents [5/?] anonymous August 31 2009, 04:22:01 UTC
“Thanks Matt. I’ll be sure to go see him tomorrow.” Peter bit his lip as he held the front door open for his guest. “See ya later.”

The taller boy nodded and turn to leave, shouting a quick thank you to Peter and his family for letting him come over for a little while. Then, as a second though, he turned back around again with a sad smile on his face.

“Gilbert can be a douche sometimes. But the way he was worrying about how much he thinks he messed up, he must really care about you.” Content with where their conversation ended, Matthew walked out the door and shoved his headphones in his ears. He had a good distance to walk home.

The things I do for my friends. He sighed and flicked his hood up to shield the wisps of wind that blew his hair everywhere.


When Peter shuffled back into his room, the only noises he heard was the near-silent hum of his computer and the small thumps of his heartbeat. Papa must have taken Hanatamago to go potty in the backyard or something. His parents usually liked to let the ball or fuzz out on nights like these and lay together in the grass with their pet, watching the stars and feeling the warm summer breeze slide over their bodies.

He usually went out and joined in the relaxing. But today, the blonde teen had one thing nagging at him from the back of his mind.

And that was one thing to many.

Jumping in his swivel chair and sitting at the computer desk, Peter turned on the monitor, logged into MSN, and cracked his fingers. There were already three screens open and three people behind those screens ready to talk. This was going to be a long night.


Chris had wanted to know how their ‘date’ went. Telling the cocky boy to ‘STFU‘, Peter exited out of that chat window and moved on to the next.

Im Yong Soo claimed that he had put the idea that Gilbert would look good with him in the albino’s head and took full credit for any successful dates to come. Exit.

Alfred had typed that he was sitting at the computer with Mattie and that they both fully encourage him to visit the injured boy first thing the next morning. He typed in a quick ‘Alright, thanks.” and closed down that window too.

Looking through his list of contacts, Ravis seemed to be online. They talked for a couple minutes, joined a chat with the other three boys logged in who wouldn’t leave poor Peter alone, and finally, the Peter was too tired to worry about what his friends were saying.

He logged out and shut down the computer for the night. Stealing a quick glance at his bedside clock, the teen saw that it was already midnight. He needed to wake up early tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


So I know I said Gilbert would be in the next chapter. I lied. ^^; The hospital chapter's too long to be 5, so I made it it's own chapter; 6. It's halfway finished now. Please bear with me? *puppy dog eyes*

Also, thanks for the comments, guys. Very happy that I could make days better and make you guys eager to read further installments of this. Again, if something needs improvement, you tell me. This chapter's short but the next one will definitely make up for it. :3


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