Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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...That Keeps on Calling Me [1/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 01:14:12 UTC
He was still on Berlin time. Rolling around in the empty bed, sighing. Rubbing at his neck where Gilbert vampirized him before his plane took off, watching him get dragged away by security for being a ‘threat’. He smiled, hoping he was well. Still tossing in his bed.

It was lonely without him.

He used to be fine with it, used to be okay with being invisible and alone. But Gilbert… Rolling on him during the night. Constantly pulling him into an embrace, snuggling against him, using him as a pillow, muttering in his ear how he’s awesome like his chicks… He shuddered, eyes open on the clock. It wasn’t working anymore. He missed him.

He was up, turning on the taps and splashing water on his face. He should be happy to be home! Overjoyed to be with his people! But the loneliness was getting to him and he was soon sinking into the couch, turning on the TV to be blinded with the horrible Paid Programming Ads. Flipping, desperate, until he landed on a familiar sight.

“Ya Hoser!”

Bob and Doug.


He made pancakes anyways that morning. He felt hung-over. His sleeping pattern was off by miles and he was starting to get annoyed by the tapping made by the angry subject behind him, eyes boring into the back of his skull. He yawned.

“You wouldn’t BE tired if you were here!”

“Sorry.” He didn’t mean it.

“Well…” The American leaned back in his chair, still tapping the fork on the table. Matthew rubbing his temple. “I still told you, didn’t I? Your spending too much time with those…. GERMANS.”

“Gilbert’s Prussian.”

“He’s what?”

“Pru- Nevermind. Sorry.” He missed him.

“Hmpf. Well, I’m warning you, Matty. Those.. Europeans are different. And they’ll take advantage of you!”

“Mmhmm. Yes, Alfred.”

“Alright…” Matthew set down a plate of pancakes, Alfred looking at them. “One’s Burnt.”

He sighed, going back over to the pan, Alfred dropping the pancake in Kuma’s dish. Matthew staring dreamily out the window, thinking of Berlin. To the time Gilbert and him were shopping and he was whispering in his ear all the naughty things he was going to do to him WITH that jar of Nutella… His cheeks started flaming red.

“Hey, Matty.”

“E-eh?! S-sorry! Eh?!”

“Someone’s knocking on your door.” Alfred pointed, not getting up. The Canadian flushing, wiping his hands for a brief moment before scurrying to the entrance, kicking some shoes out of the way. He paused, rubbing his cheeks to take the flush away before he opened the door.

He was met with a heavy kiss.


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [2/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 01:15:13 UTC
“P-Prus….” He was already melting against him, the albino’s tongue deep in his mouth. His arms were around his neck and the door was slammed closed with his foot, Gilbert pulling away, licking his lips.

“You taste like Strawberries, mein Darling.”

“P-Prussia!” He couldn’t even express his joy. Pulling him down for more eager kisses, fingers clawing at his hair. Gilbert dropped the two bags down, landing with a heavy ‘thud’ and Matthew was against a wall, apron being undone, shirt moving up.


Gilbert didn’t break, even though Matthew tried.

“_EXCUSE_ME!” They broke, Gilbert looking over, annoyed, Matthew starting to shake.

“I’m Sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sor-”

“What’s this tool doing here?” Gilbert snapped. The American’s eyes locked on him. His smile was gone, replaced with a cold look. Both staring off, the tension rising. Another Cold war starting…

“Get your hands OFF my Brother…”

“Oh? YOUR brother? I wasn’t aware you OWNED Canada. Last time I checked, he was still under Arthur’s drunken rule…”

Alfred sneered in response, fist clenching. Matthew was still crying out timid apologies, arm wrapping tight around Gilbert’s, trying to hold him at bay. Prussia now clenching his fist too.

“Whatever, Commie. You never did tell me how lovely it was under Ivan…” Matthew ‘eeped’. “Care to share what he used to do to you? Or are you still kissing his ass?”

“Least I didn’t cause all the world’s damn problems, Ah-MER-ricunt.”

“No, you just fucking killed everyone because you wanted to world to be blonde and perfect! Nice going-”

“That’s it-”

“STOP IT.” Both froze, looking at Matthew, clinging tightly to Gilbert’s arm, nails digging into the skin. He looked at them both with red-eyes. “S-stop it…Don’t… ever say those things…”

The Prussian softened, hand running through the shaggy blonde locks. Alfred shifted, uncomfortable.

“P-please… you two… s-stop it.”

The two let out ashamed moans. Muttering low sorry’s before both were hugging the Canadian, Matthew wiping his eyes. Gilbert muttered something in German and Alfred threw out another sorry. He calmed down, hands gripping his brother and lover’s arms, eyes on the floor. Alfred made the first move, grabbing Prussia’s bags. Deciding to act and show his brother he was making peace.

Gilbert’s hair stood on end.

“Whattya doin’?!” He snapped.

“I’m taking your stuff upstairs, to the spare bedroom for you.”

“I don’t think so. Those are going in Matthew’s rooms, thank you.”

“Matthew’s not a child. He can sleep alone! Their going to the spare room!”

Gilbert let go of his Canadian, fists clenching again as he marched up to Alfred, who was already halfway to the stairs.

“Matthew’s room!”

“Spare room!”

“Matthew’s ROOM.”


Both having a tense stare off again. The Canadian sighed, feeling his head start ache. And it wasn’t from recession. The two already starting to bicker again as they started to ascend to the second floor. Prussia snapping at a now Angry American, trying to grab his bag back. Matthew sighing before a smell his him and he quickly burst back to the kitchen, grabbing the now smouldering black pancake. Throwing the window opening and fanning the smoke out before the detector went off, coughing. He heard a thud from upstairs and more bangs, the screaming starting.

He missed Berlin.



Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [3/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 01:16:10 UTC
“So..” Gilbert held the can up to the goose-egg on his head. “Miss me?”

Matthew buried his face in his chest, inhaling the smell of the stale airplane and German beer. Gilbert held back just as tight.


“It’s only been 3 days…”

“It doesn’t feel like it.”

“I know…” Both sank down into the couch, legs wrapping around each other, fingers gripping their shirts.

“Oh, fer God’s sake…” Alfred spat from his chair, the bag of frozen peas not helping. Gilbert stuck his tongue out, mouthing ‘He’s mine’ at the fuming American. Matthew, of course, apologizing, sitting back up straight.

“I’m sorry, Alfred…” He shot a smug look at the annoyed Prussian. “I.. Just missed Prussia-”

“His lover.” Gilbert cut in. Alfred’s nose wrinkling in disapproval, half near-disgust. Matthew turned redder than his sweater.


“You like it.”

“A-anyways…” Avoiding the subject as he usually did. “W-would you mind if he j-joined us while we went shopping, eh?”

“Yes. He’s not coming with us!”

“Waaah waah, baby! Suck it up!”

“Fuck you, Douchebag!”



“Useless Twat!”



The both settled, another mutter of low ‘Sorry’. Matthew rubbed his temple.

“L-look… A-Alfred… J-just.. Stay here, please? Watch Kuma?”

“W-What?! Why should I STAY?! Leave the damn Nazi here!”

“I’ll Nazi you, bitch-!”

“NO.” Gilbert actually listened, calming down, settling back in against the couch. “N-No one’s… Nazi’ing anyone! … Alfred… please… eh?”

The American wasn’t happy. He was up in an instant, grabbing his coat, Matthew flushing, guilty of what he caused. He ran after him, standing at the entrance as he laced up his shoes.

“I’m going out.”

“A-Alfred… I’m sorry! Please! I’m sor-”

“As long as he’s here, I’m out! Got it?!” Glaring into the miserable eyes. Matthew twisting his shirt, biting his cheek, the guilt already building. He rolled his eyes, flicking the top of his curl and winking. “Ahhhh… you crybaby…”

He smiled weakly, and his hair was ruffled as Alfred left, jumping down the steps two at a time and sighing. Checking the time for a second and smirking, knowing the McD’s down the road was just opening. Looking back at the house before he let out a small laugh. He was happy for him. Finally finding someone to gush over how cute he was. He’d leave them.

For a moment.

Which was all it took for Gilbert to pounce on his Canadian.


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [4/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 01:17:39 UTC

“P-PRUSSIA!” He was dragged down, into Gilbert’s lap, his hand already pushing down the front of his pants, rubbing him through the boxers. Matthew squeezed his legs together, flushing, Gilbert’s other hand was under his shirt, pulling at his right nub.

“God fucking sake’s Matthew… was dying on the plane…” Tongue pushing into his ear, making his legs curl. His palm was cupping him, rubbing in encouragement against his cock. His legs spread wider.


“God, I jacked off at least four times in that bathroom… All thinking of you…” His glasses were falling off his nose.

“Thinking of how sweet you taste..” He laid a wet kiss on his neck. “How hot you feel…” Tongue licked it’s way up his neck. “How gorgeous you look when your out of your mind with desire…”

“P-Prusss.. iaa…” He was bucking back against his lap shyly. Eyes still on the door. If someone opened it and saw him… “Oh, Prussia!”

His fingers were on his member, squeezing the hardening flesh, stroking it.

“God, Matthew…” Nibbling at his jaw. “Seriously. Kiss me, you idiot…”

He didn’t need to be told twice, thoughts of the door gone, melting as his mouth was once again ravaged by the Prussian. His hips now bucking back against the arousal pressing against his back. He needed it as badly as he did.

“I missed you…” He whined, Gilbert purring into his mouth, nuzzling his neck.

“I fucking missed you…” Matthew started laughing.

“P-pretty pathetic… three days…eh? C-can’t even wait that long.”

“Hey! Three days is too long already!” Gilbert pouted, cheek rubbing against his, the hand that was teasing his nipple now helping him to hold the other closer against him. “I nearly burst my balls an’ went hungry!”

“Oh, Prussia…” He grinned and the albino was soon tickling his sides, making him laugh with delight, hand releasing him for a second to make the Canadian squirm and howl. He pulled him into a bear hug, making him laugh as more kisses were coating his cheek and neck, Gilbert switching their positions so he was spread out on the rug with him on top, still wiggling his fingers at his side. Kissing him as he did, both laughing.

“Don’t ‘Oh Prussia’ me! I spent a lot of West’s money to get here!” Matthew still laughing under him. “And I intend to make my stay here as delicious-” Tongue against his slightly sweaty skin. “-and memorable-” Hands between his legs again, rubbing. “-And awesome as possible! Starting with some ‘reunion’ sex!”

“P-Prussia…” He was flushed, glasses askew on his face, chest heaving. “Your…”



They were united, mouths together, hips bucking. Gilbert clawing the rug. They missed each other, those three days too much for them. Tongue on each other’s skin, Matthew sucking on the spot behind Gilbert’s ear that made him go -just- a little crazy. They couldn’t help it. Their pants were off, arousals meeting.

“A-Aaah! Prus-sss-iaaa!”

“O-Oh, gut Gott, Matthew!” The Canadian’s hands finding his hips and gripping them, trying to grind up against him. Gilbert angled, both their nether regions connecting and they were crying out louder, trying to get more. Not even caring on the rug burns each was receiving.

“F-Faster, P-Prussia!”


“P-PrussiiAAAAA!” He grabbed his collar, pulling him down for a bruising kiss, both humping away like rabbits before Gilbert had to break to cry out. Arms wrapping around Matthew’s waist as he ground down and let out the howls before he came. The Canadian not far behind, feeling their jerking making more of a mess between them, legs kicking out to loosen the painful friction.

Gilbert let out a whine, feeling his body still shaking. Matthew under him, kneading his fingers against his skin.

The kissed with more passion that ever.

“G-Gott…” He looked between them, cringing at the fluids everywhere. “I-I think I ruined… my shirt…”

“I… can wash it…”


“O-Of course… E-eh..?” Both trying to control breathing. Gilbert kissing him on the nose.

“…L-Like… in a washing machine?”

Matthew nodded, blinking, the stars finally disappearing from his vision.

“Y-Your own washing machine?”

“O-of course, P-Prussia.”

“Like… next to a dryer and stuff?”

“Y-Yes..” He was starting to get suspicious, looking up to the gleam in the Prussian’s eyes.


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 4 2009, 01:18:37 UTC
“Do you think it can support our weight?”


“Well!” He pouted, raising himself up a bit, pulling at his shirt. “This cost a lot! And plus, I didn’t come INSIDE you! And I still have a lot left in me!”

Matthew smiled, shaking his head in amused disbelief.


“I-I suppose it can… eh?”

He was getting coated in kisses again, hauled up in Gilbert’s arms.

“Which way then, eh?!”


Alfred left the moment he stepped in.

Those two were somewhere in the house screaming like jackals and his Egg McMuffin was too delicious to be thrown out from loss of hunger if he saw them.


“So, this is Canada, huh?”

“Y-Yeah…” Matthew blushed, holding the umbrella over Gilbert’s head. Watching him give a loud sneeze.

“I thought it… snowed here all the time or somethin‘…”

“T-That’s only during Winter… And sometimes Fall… And Spring.”

“Huh.” Both stared up at the Parliament Building, watching the cars drive by. Gilbert sneezed again, his body not used to the weather. “I think I’m getting a cold…”

“Do you want my coat!?” Matthew immediately cried, slready starting to unbutton it.

“No… no… Think I just have.. To spend a few days in bed.” His eyebrow raised, devious. “Y’know… Soup.. Sleep.. Sex…”

Matthew flushed, nearly dropping the Umbrella. Gilbert caught it before it hit the ground.

“Your Parliament’s beautiful, Matthew.” His hand wrapping around his shoulder.

“Too bad it’s full of assholes..” He muttered lowly.

Gilbert laughed.

He loved his Canadian.


ACK. Sorry, it was a little rushed! @____@
Plz forgive me, Anons!


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 4 2009, 02:34:40 UTC
Forgive you? For what? This absolutely amazing sequel with protective!older!brother!Alfred and horny!just!stopped!by!to!visit!Prussia? Ha!

Thank you so much for adding a sequel ♥

I'm a new reviewer to this fic. I highly enjoyed the first part but never actually commented because I'm a lurker like that


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 4 2009, 06:01:22 UTC
This, this is exactly what I wanted when I asked for the sequel! Thank you Anon, thank you <3


Writner!Anon suddenly... anonymous August 4 2009, 13:04:48 UTC
*carlton dances*
Boo-yah! =3=
And it was my pleasure!


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 4 2009, 12:45:46 UTC
OP still loves you Writer!anon. This was excellent in every way. I love how you portrayed Canada and Prussia, so desperately in love. Truly wonderful. -hands over fresh baked shortbread-


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 4 2009, 13:02:45 UTC
Nawwww <3
Well, I love writing desperate-possessive-clingy Gilbo! *munch shortbread* And these two need more love. Hail to the underappreciated pairings!


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 4 2009, 18:14:03 UTC
Hail King Prussia and Queen Canada! True love at it's finest~


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 6 2009, 08:04:30 UTC
The sex was oh so hot. Prussia and Canada make a sexy pair and a surprisingly healthy couple. You make me want more~

Prussia and America being antagonizing bastards to each other was also kind of hot in a weird way.


Re: ...That Keeps on Calling Me [5/5] anonymous August 20 2009, 05:11:35 UTC
“I’ll Nazi you, bitch-!”

“NO.” Gilbert actually listened, calming down, settling back in against the couch. “N-No one’s… Nazi’ing anyone!

I fucking loled, this was both helarious, hot and adorable, SUPER KUDOS AUTHORNON

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Oh dear God, Captcha XDDD


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