May 09, 2006 15:41
1. I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to write about for my Oral Narrative and the Folktale final paper. I originally thought I would write about narratives of health, the stories people tell about health, medicine, and bodies since I've been doing reading about bodies and medicine anyway, and they beat into our heads the fact that all the work we do should be helping us with our theses. Well, that's not going to work because it seems a little out there, and this final paper is a research paper anyway, so I might as well make it fun. Instead, I think I want to write about storytelling in American music, particularly from the mid-twentieth century (when there was a resurgence of interest in folk music, what with the civil rights movement, war protests, etc). I would love to focus on the music of Johnny Cash, because so many of his songs have a storytelling aspect, particularly because he covered a lot of folk ballads. I'm thinking of 'Boy Named Sue,' 'Wayfarin Stranger,' 'Long Black Veil,' 'Hung My Head,' 'Give My Love to Rose,' 'Mary of the Wild Moor,' 'Ballad of a Teenage Queen,' the list goes on and on. I'm interested in his use of traditional English ballads, as well as traditional American ballads, themes involving the railroad and prison life. I think that the prof will be particularly into a discussion of family relationships in his music. So. Yeah, something like that.
2. Met with Jean Comaroff yesterday. She was actually pretty nice and helpful, and mentioned that Misty had written to her about me (I mentioned that Misty was my undergraduate mentor). I'm going to incorporate my research on medical spectacle into my final paper for her class, but I need to get cracking on that.
3. I've been so exhausted lately. I slept till noon yesterday, and only dragged myself out of bed around 9:30 today because I had class at 10:30. I just feel tired all the time. Tired and nauseous. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was pregnant.
4. I think I'm going to stop at Starbucks for something caffeinated and sugary before my 4:30 class, otherwise I'm going to fall asleep.