Saturday night blahhhhhhh

Apr 29, 2006 23:16

It's Saturday night and I'm stretched out on my bed attempting to type my Oral Narrative midterm, which is quite possibly the most boring assignment I've encountered during my tenure here at the UofC. Compare and discuss the analytical approaches of three scholars of the folktale in 6 pages? Dear Sweet Stith Thompson, I could write pages and pages and pages on the subject, not that I'd want to because it's a snoozer. I'm feeling sassy tonight. I think it's because I feel grubby and want to shower.

At least I made an attempt at sociability last night. I don't particularly feel social tonight, especially since I was at a bar last night; I've reverted back to the most primitive and extreme of introverted states since I've been at the UofC, and I need to stop. Oh well.

Today was marked by annoying children running wild at the OI (I wish people would keep their kids on a leash or at least make an attempt to discipline them and teach them respect for PROPERTY THAT IS NOT THEIR OWN AND THAT IS THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD AND PRICELESS) and also...a foray into dairy. Oh, the horror. Actually, it was fine, I had a delicious caprese sandwich for lunch and didn't feel all that guilty about it. My roommate asked me with a smirk if this meant I had fallen off the wagon, and I primly responded that I wasn't going to let my diet dictate my social life, and if a tasty non-vegan morsel happened to cross my path and I was in the mood, why, I wasn't going to self-righteously refuse it. So yes, fresh mozzarella was just the ticket today.

I guess I better get back to writing my Oral Narrative midterm. I'd rather be doing...just about anything right now, though :-\
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