Feb 06, 2005 16:13
How impolite of me, i did not introduce myself.
I am a boy, 17 years that live in Stockholm, the capitol of Sweden (you know, that cold country up north). I found out about this page yesterday and i love the little sneak peak i get into other peoples lives. Makes me forget about my own life for a second. Why would i want to forget about that, you might ask. Well, the truth is I'm not very happy with it. I don't have many (any) friends and i don't have any work etc. My life consists of school and home (and the subway between them). If you think "not much to read about this guy", you're probably right, but ill write anyway. It might be interesting to read about how a depressed 17-year old guy from sweden looks at life... Stay if you like, but i wont blame you if you don't. Oh, and sorry about my english, its not my "all-day language".
Today my dad had his 51st birthday, man he's getting old. I did not have anything to give him so i said i would take him to a basketball game sometime. I don't know if he was glad or disappointed, i did not quite understand his reaction. He said something like "oh" and smiled a bit. What the hell does that mean?
My grandmother and daddy's girlfriend's parents got over here and we had a cup of coffee and a little chat. I suck at the latter. I just can't talk to people that is not family. Perhaps i should go to some kind of therapy or something... I don't know. Otherwise nothing special have happened this weekend (as usual). My younger brother gets bigger by the day, 6 months feels like 6 weeks.