Title: The Wind of Change
Characters: Prussia, mention of Germany
Challenge: September 2012 Anniversary
Bonus Words:promise, loss, gain, time
Rating: G
Summary: Prussia remembers the fall of the Berlin Wall…
Prussia ran out into the street. The Berlin Wall, which had been erected in the middle of the night, was now coming down. He could not believe it. Twenty eight long horrible years of living with Russia and never once seeing his brother’s face, the way he could before it was erected, despite the hardships of the border between them. Twenty eight years of loss, never to be gained back, not to mention the sadness of ideological differences that preceded it in the time after the War, before the wall was built. Now, he could feel the winds of change in the air and smell the scent of freedom. He wondered if his brother felt it too as he hurried towards the place where he had last seen him…
Prussia sat on the sofa in his brother’s house, drinking a beer and listening to what one of his favorite songs, even though he would hear it again on TV. Klaus Meine may have been singing about a trip to Moscow, but to the German people, it was a song about the end of an era with the fall of communism in the East, and more importantly the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany. So every year on this date, he celebrated the return to his brother’s house, with a beer or two and that song. He was happy his brother kept the promise they had made to each other never to forget the brotherly love they had for each other. Picking up the TV remote, he switched on the TV. “Hey, kleine Brüder, hurry up!! It’s about to start!!” Twenty one years had passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the brothers never tired of watching it fall again each year on the anniversary…
Title: Happy Anniversary
Characters: Spain, Romano
Challenge: September 2012 Anniversary
Bonus Words: promise, loss, gain, time
Rating: PG13, for Romano’s potty mouth.
Summary: Spain wants to celebrate Romano’s first time…
“Here, Romano,” Spain said as he walked into the kitchen. He handed his friend a ripe tomato.
Romano looked at him suspiciously, in much the same way he did the first time Spain handed him a tomato. “What’s this for, Tomato-bastard?”
“It’s to celebrate your first time.” Spain smiled.
“What the hell?!” Romano glared at him as he blushed and considered throwing the tomato in Spain’s face.
“No, not that first time.”
“Then what?” As irritated as he was, Romano had to admit he had his attention.
“Promise not to laugh.”
“Just hurry it up, asshole, I don’t have all day!”
Spain smiled at the memories of Romano’s first time eating a tomato.
“I’m losing my patience, Tomato-bastard.” Romano bit into the ripe tomato, enjoying the intense flavor.
“That’s what I’m celebrating!” Spain wrapped his arms around his friend, pulling him close.
“Get off me, you jackass!!”
“Happy Anniversary, Romano!!”
“What?! Did your bastard friends hit you upside the head or something?!” As much as he would be loath to admit it, Romano was a little worried about his friend.
“No, I just wanted to celebrate the first time you ate a tomato. I figured since we have other anniversaries, why not celebrate the one that brought us together.”
Romano bit into the tomato again. He savored the bite as Spain let go of him. “You’re an asshole. You don’t celebrate shit like that!” he frowned. “You celebrate birthdays, territories you’ve gained in war, unions such as marriage, and don’t get any ideas!” Romano glared at him. “You know, stupid shit like that.” He took another bite of the tomato.
Spain nodded. “You’re right, Romano.”
“You’re damned straight I am!” Romano finished eating the tomato.
Spain smiled. Next year when they celebrated, he vowed to just give Romano a tomato…
Title: Pearl Harbor
Characters: America, Japan
Challenge: September 2012 Anniversary
Bonus Words: promise, loss, gain, time
Rating: PG13
Summary: America and Japan remember Pearl Harbor
America, at the sound of soft approaching footsteps, looked over his shoulder. He nodded; pleased Japan had kept his promise to help him remember the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. When the war had ended and all was said and done, the two countries had made a pact to remember together the horrors of war. When he had visited Japan to beg forgiveness and honor those who had survived the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, his fellow country had vowed he would be there to commemorate those who had lost their lives in Pearl Harbor.
“I’m very sorry, America-san,” Japan said softly.
“I know, Japan. Our bosses were caught up in the insanity of war and there was nothing we could do. I just hope they’ll take the time to think things through, before we wind up going down that path again,” America said.
Japan nodded. America seemed so subdued, which was so unlike him. Normally the brash young hero, he seemed to have gained a measure of maturity in the months since the last time he had seen him. Then again, everyone grew up fast after the War to end all Wars. After the memorial service was over, he and America threw leis into the water. Japan bowed his head and offered up a quick prayer for the souls of the departed. Clapping his hands afterwards, he noticed America was still praying, the tears streaming down his cheeks and he felt bad for the young country.
America wiped his cheeks with his fingertips, before turning to Japan, a cocky grin on his face. “They lived and died like heroes.”
“That they did, American-san.”
He nodded. “So did your people, Japan.” America looked grim. “I hope to God we never have to go through this again.”
“Me too…”
Title: Tomato Fairy
Characters: Italy, Germany
Challenge: September 2012 Anniversary
Bonus Words: promise, loss, gain, time
Rating: G
Summary: Germany kept the box, Italy was hiding in when they met, much to his surprise…
Italy went into the shed in Germany’s backyard to get the gas can his friend told him would be in there. It was on a shelf on the back wall, along with an oil can and a spare air filter for the mower. The old push mower stood off to the side in the corner, the handle broken from the one and only time Prussia mowed the lawn, but thing that drew Italy’s attention, was an old wooden box. It appeared to be a wooden tomato crate and it was so old, it looked like it was an inch away from crumbling into dust. Italy recognized it and was astonished that Germany had even kept it. He squatted in front of the box, running his hand over the rough, wooden surface.
“Italy! You okay?” Germany called out as entered the shed.
“Germany…? You kept it?”
Germany nodded, his cheeks a bright pink. “I made a promise to myself that every year, on the day I found it, that I would come out here and knock on the box. I keep hoping I’ll hear the tomato fairy again.”
Italy laughed. “I think the tomato fairy’s long gone, but his loss is my gain as America would say.”
Germany chuckled. “I think you’re right.”
“Germany…” Italy smiled.
“I think I heard the tomato fairy say we should go out for gelato.”
“I heard him too, but I distinctly heard him say we need to finish mowing the lawn before we go.”
Italy laughed. “Oh yeah…”
“We’re nearly done.”
Title: Reflections
Characters: India, mention of England
Challenge: September 2012 Anniversary
Bonus Words: promise, loss, gain, time
Rating: G
Summary: India thinks about England, his independence, and his people…
India checked the calendar. Tomorrow was the anniversary of the day he had won his independence from England. While he missed his fellow country, he did not miss being his colony one bit. He loved regaining his independence, while strangely mourning England’s loss. He had been, after all, the jewel in the British Empire’s crown and he did spend a long time as his khansama, still, he needed to move on and become his own man again. Getting up from his desk, India looked out the window. It was a familiar scene to him, the hustle and bustle of people, the traffic, the cows dotted here and there in the sea of humanity. He looked up to watch a troop of monkeys move across the roof of an ancient temple, and smiled. He loved the juxtaposition of old and new and marveled at how his people met the promise of a bright future, while firmly holding onto the past…