Title: Of French Maids and Sex Tapes
Characters: Germany, Prussia
Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge - 31 Fics in 31 Days (Good)
Rating: OT
Summary: Prussia and Germany make a sex tape…
Author’s note: Also written for Hentai Contest’s Hentai Holidays
Word Count: 661
On the sixth day of Hentai Holidays my true love gave to me, one naughty French maid…
“Whenever you’re ready, kleine Brüder,” Prussia said. He was standing there, dressed like a French maid, complete with high heels and a feather duster. He waved said feather duster around like he was dusting.
“Now, Brüder!” Germany replied. Camera in hand, he began filming his older brother, following him around the room, and getting the most amazing shots of his fishnet-stocking clad legs and silky black panties. Every so often, Prussia would look over his shoulder and gaze into the camera with a smoldering look and it was all Germany could do not to moan. It was bad enough how tight his pants suddenly felt, without dwelling on things.
Prussia was having the time of his life, teasing the hell out of his baby brother. He would turn away from the camera and drop his feather duster so that Germany would get a good shot of his panties as he bent over to retrieve it. He even got out the carpet sweeper and ran it over the antique carpets in front of the fire.
Germany moaned softly. Watching Prussia clean was giving him a bigger hard on than chasing after a naked Italy when he had a lot of paperwork to do. It was almost like watching one of his favorite romance novels come to life, and he had a strong desire to chuck the camera and pounce on his brother. “Brüder…” he groaned softly when Prussia stood on the wide hearth to dust the fireplace’s mantle. The sight of those shapely calves of his was driving all the blood out of Germany’s brain and straight to his cock. This was worst than when Prussia had first brought up the idea of this and he let his imagination run wild.
“What…?” was the innocent reply, although the look Prussia gave his younger brother was anything but innocent.
“Your room, now!” Germany barked.
Prussia’s eyes went wide as his smirk turned predatory. “In a minute, I just need to dust the cuckoo clock,” he sweetly replied.
“NOW, Prussia!” Germany switched off the camera and left the room like butt was on fire, the dogs scattering out of the way and running for cover, while Gilbird flew to the safety of his cage.
Prussia did not need to be told twice. He got down off the hearth and tottered after his brother as fast as he could in his high heels. He chuckled softly to himself as he knew exactly where his brother was going; Prussia’s room. Since he knew his brother would be in no shape to film the rest of their little fling, he had conveniently left up several cameras from the last time his friends, France and Spain, stayed over. With a bit of awesome editing, this would make for one helluva sex tape in Prussia’s humble opinion.
Reaching his room five minutes after his brother had, Prussia almost laughed at the scene before him. There was his brother, sprawled naked on the bed, stroking himself, which was more hot than funny, while his clothes were neatly piled on the room’s lone chair. How he managed to do that and why was the funny part. Prussia sauntered over to the bed and purred, “Who’s got a dirty mind in need of cleaning?”
Germany groaned, and taking that as his clue, Prussia tossed the feather duster aside and crawled onto the bed. Nestling himself between his brother’s massive thigh, Prussia grabbed his cock and began to suck. He bobbed his head up and down, taking his time and giving his brother his all. Prussia was of the opinion that if you were going to make your own porn, it had better be awesome when you were done. He could taste it would not be long, but at that point it did not matter. As soon as his brother came, it would be his turn…