Fandom Category: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Veronica Mars/Logan Echolls
Fic Title: The Pliant Web
Author: Ghostcat
on Tumblr or
on AO3Rating/Warning(s): not rated, but I'd put this at about PG
Word Count/WIP?: 3k-ish words, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By:
blithers Why This Must Be Read: Because this is Veronica and Logan, in 1940's Tripoli, with a pulp-y espionage thriller vibe - I mean, it was basically meant to be. This story is evocative and suspenseful and breathes old time glamour and suspense. Ghostcat has been talking about
turning this concept into a multi-chapter casefic, which I would love to see - and in the meantime, this fic is fantastic and atmospheric and is a perfect twist on the Veronica Mars noir setting.