Dear mods, can we have a tag for Jemma Simmons/Will Daniels?
Challenge 152
Category: tumblr fics
Fandom Category: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Will Daniels
Fic Title: Days
Author: professorflyboy
Link: General Audiences. Post 3x05 (4,722 hours).
Word Count/WIP?: Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By: devon380black
Why This Must Be Read: Insightful and sad. This fanfic is written from Will's POV and shows how Jemma affected Will's existence. Professorflyboy (the author) succinctly captures Will's perspective. In just one fanfic, the author was able to evoke and magnify the desperation and angst found in the episode (4,722 hours).