Doctor Who, 15 recs, Various pairings

Oct 30, 2015 21:11

I'm afraid I fell off the wagon with the trope squares, so in order to get some recs in, get a bingo, and not spam anyone, here's a giant tropey list of Doctor Who recs with various pairings across the show's fifty years.

Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Pairing: Missy/Twelfth Doctor
Title: Love/Hate
Author: Nostalgia
Link: Read more... )

fandom: doctor who, ship: barbara wright/ian chesterton, ship: peri brown/the doctor, ship: lucie miller/the doctor, ship: sarah jane smith/harry sullivan, ship: liz shaw/alistair gordon lethbridg, ship: clara oswald/the doctor, ship: martha jones/the doctor, ship: charley pollard/the doctor, ship: missy/the doctor, ship: jackie tyler/the doctor, ship: emma grayling/alec palmer

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Comments 4

seren_ccd October 31 2015, 10:43:13 UTC
Sarah Jane and Harry! Eeeee! I'd looked for fic for these two about a month ago and couldn't find very much, so this is brilliant!

And thank you so much for the rec of my story! I loved those two characters SO much. I want an entire series about them ghost-busting across the world.


lost_spook November 2 2015, 13:32:56 UTC
Aw, cool! I hope you enjoy them. If you do, those two authors definitely have a whole bunch of other Harry/Sarah on Teaspoon. There could certainly be more Harry/Sarah fic, though!

I love your fic! And your other one for them. I read that straight after the episode when I'd been scribbling down a very similar (but not half as good ficlet) which you saved me from writing. I have a feeling I may never have commented, though, because I was hoping you'd put them on Teaspoon and I could rec them on Calufrax. Which is probably a silly reason not to comment, but, um, yes. They are such lovely characters, probably my favourite guests in New Who so far.


blithers October 31 2015, 13:48:58 UTC
This post is AWESOME. Tags added! :)


lost_spook November 2 2015, 13:30:02 UTC
Thank you! :-)


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