Considerably Before the Thin Man by Fabrisse (PG)

Aug 07, 2015 23:05

Fandom Category: The Thin Man
Pairing: Nora Charles/Nick Charles
Fic Title: Considerably Before the Thin Man
Author: Fabrisse
Rating/Warning(s): PG/Mention of Murder, Violence
Word Count/WIP?:2,211/Complete
Recced on Livejournal by:Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 4 of 25

Why This Must Be Read:Author's Description: This is how Nick Charles met Nora Forrest. I totally buy this version of events as to how Nick and Nora meet. Fabrisse is spot on with the witty banter and the underlying flirting that these two are known for. It is a delightful read that makes you want to revisit the movie.

ship: nora charles/nick charles, special reccer: honor_reid, fandom: the thin man

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