3 more Pitch Perfect recs, Beca/Jesse, PG

Apr 13, 2015 09:02

Since my last batch of PP recs tended toward the smutty, here are a few read-worthy fics that are firmly in the PG category:

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Jesse
Title: Nothing But Treble
Author: NeoVenus22
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 1,396, complete

Why This Must Be Read: This short and sweet includes a lot of fun banter and innuendo between Beca and Jesse, as they continue their horribly boring jobs at the radio station after the events of the movie.

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Jesse
Title: Girl, Put Your Records On
Author: stopthenrewind
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 10,510, complete

Why This Must Be Read: This gives a realistic picture of what happens between Beca and Jesse after The Kiss. Beca doesn't drop all her walls that easily, but she tries.

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Jesse
Title: Working Title
Author: aelysian
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 3,314, complete

Why This Must Be Read: Another short and sweet piece that goes into some of the difficulties this couple would encounter early on, since she's so guarded and he wears his heart on his sleeve. The writing is really good here--subtle and realistic.

fandom: pitch perfect, ship: beca mitchell/jesse swanson

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