4 Pitch Perfect recs, Beca/Jesse with bonus Donald/Stacie

Apr 12, 2015 16:14

After seeing the trailer for PP2, I rewatched the first movie and got completely sucked into the fandom again. So I went looking for Beca/Jesse fics and thought I'd share some. Also, if anyone has a link to a Beca/Jesse comm here, please let me know!

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Jesse
Title: Do You Get the Gist of the Song Now?
Author: NeoVenus22
Rating/Warning(s): T/none
Word Count/WIP?: 4,784 Complete
Recced By:

Why This Must Be Read: This is a "missing scene" story that begins just after Beca gets the pitch pipe and ends just after the movie ending. What makes this a great fic is the characterization--the story includes most of the Bellas, and their dialogue is snappy, funny, and spot-on. Plus, the banter between Beca and Jesse is a delight.

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Jesse, Donald/Stacie
Title: Rules Were Made to be Broken
Author: TheFredtoherGeorge
Rating/Warning(s): M (very much so)
Word Count/WIP?: 3,289, Complete

Why This Must Be Read: This is almost PWP (not that there's anything wrong with that). But there's some great characterization, especially in the Donald/Stacie chapter, which totally made me start shipping Donald and Stacie.

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Jesse
Title: The Love of a Movie Nerd
Author: becc-gallanter
Rating/Warning(s): M
Word Count/WIP?: 31,924, Complete

Why This Must Be Read: This is a fun continuation of the movie, with the Bellas and Trebles moving on to the following year. Meanwhile, Beca meets Jesse's family. There are a lot of typos in this story, but the plot is fun and engaging.

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Jesse
Title: A Night to Remember
Author: becc-gallanter
Rating/Warning(s): M
Word Count/WIP?: 2,044, Complete

Why This Must Be Read: Beca/Jesse sexytimes, with great banter and cheesy movie quotes.

fandom: pitch perfect, ship: beca mitchell/jesse swanson

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