Challenge 130

Feb 03, 2014 20:05

In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has monthly rec challenges issued by the mods.

Challenge 130:

Category: Sleepy Hollow
Deadline: March 1
Challenge: Rec us your favorite Sleep Hollow fics. Any and all het pairings welcome! Just c/p the text below and post it as a new entry:

Fandom Category:
Fic Title:

Why This Must Be Read:

You do not need to ask for posting rights. Just become a member and rec your favorites!

And, for an extra challenge, see if you can help your fellow members find fics for the following pairings:

Battlestar Galactica (2003) Kara Thrace/Karl Agathon
Homeland: Carrie Mathison/Peter Quinn
How I Met Your Mother: The Mother/Ted Mosby
Once Upon a Time: Belle/Rumplestiltskin
Reign: Mary Stewart/Francis de Valois-Angouleme
Sherlock: Molly Hooper/Greg Lestrade
Star Trek The Original Series (movies): Saavik/any male
The Mindy Project: Jeremy Reed/Betsy Putch
Veronica Mars: Veronica Mars/Logan Echolls


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