Fandom Category: Vikings
Pairing: Lagertha Lothbrok/Athelstan
Fic Title: the days after death
Author: with_the_monsters
Link: Teen, spoilers through the season 1 finale
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
WIP?: no
Why This Must Be Read:
The day after the funeral, Athelstan disappears into the woods and doesn't come back.
If you are anything like me the season finale left you so angry you wanted to gnash your teeth and so heartbroken you wanted to cry. I know I immediately went into a fangirl tailspin and had to talk to other people about what I hoped would happen in season two. This fic picks up right where the finale left off and delivers exactly what I would like to see (in some form) when Vikings returns for a second season.
Fandom Category: Vikings
Pairing: Lagertha Lothbrok/Athelstan (Background Lagertha/Siggy)
Fic Title: The Three-Fold Blessing
Author: frackin_sweet
Link: Mature, spoilers through the season 1 finale
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
WIP?: no
Why This Must Be Read:
After sickness and loss in Kattegat, Lagertha saves what is important to her.
This fic shows us Lagertha how she is in the show a fierce survivor in every sense. She is my favorite character on Vikings and this author has captured her perfectly here. As with the rec above, I hope the show gives us something similar in season 2.