Broken Road by Helsinkibaby (PG)

Nov 03, 2012 07:52

Fandom Category: The Mentalist
Pairing: Grace Van Pelt/Kimball Cho
Fic Title: Broken Road
Author: helsinkibaby
Rating/Warning(s): PG/Major character death
Genre: Romance, Drama
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 4 of 22

Why This Must Be Read: This is a very rare pairing but the author makes it work. Tragedy strikes the CBI team, leaving Grace and Cho dealing with the aftermath. What I liked about this story was the way Grace and Cho go from being casual friends/co-workers, to actual friends, to being a couple. It is such a soft gentle romance, that has moments of sadness, and of course moments of joy.

ship: grace van pelt/kimball cho, special reccer: honor_reid, fandom: mentalist

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