Snow by The-Lady-Isis (PG)

Feb 19, 2009 19:33

Fandom Category: Justice League Unlimited
Pairing: Batman/Wonder Woman
Fic Title: Snow
Author: The-Lady-Isis
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Romance
WIP?: Complete
Summary: Gotham's first snowfall of the year. Diana's first snowfall... ever.

Why This Must Be Read: I've read this story a million times and it just never gets old. Chock-full of fluffy goodiness, Diana helps Bruce out on a case (sort of) in Gotham. She's then introduced to snow and Bruce realizes that "he's sunk." Utterly adorable.

fandom: batman, fandom: justice league unlimited, fandom: comics, fandom: wonderwoman, ship: wonderwoman/batman

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