I Don't Know Where I'll Be Tonight, But I'll Always Tell You Where I Am, by spuffyduds (R)

Feb 18, 2009 18:17

Fandom Category: Buffy/Angel
Pairing: Faith Lehane/Wesley Wyndam-Price
Fic Title: I Don't Know Where I'll Be Tonight, But I'll Always Tell You Where I Am
Author: spuffyduds
Link: http://spuffyduds.livejournal.com/29165.html?style=mine
Rating/Warning(s): R for language
Genre: postcard fic! sort of fluff
WIP?: complete

Why This Must Be Read: This story is set after Chosen, and does an amazing job at making the tantalizing possibility of Faith/Wesley believable. It's sweet, in spite of being partly Faith's POV.

ship: faith/wesley wyndam-pryce, fandom: angel, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer

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