Challenge 83: Love and the Art of War by DarthAmmonite (PG)

Feb 23, 2012 11:26

Fandom Category: Bleach
Pairing: Ise Nanao/Zaraki Kenpachi
Fic Title: Love and the Art of War
Author: DarthAmmonite
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Comedy, Romance
WIP?: Yes. WIP at 3 chapters, 5,657 words
Setting: doesn't matter, though there is one mention of "arrancar"

Why This Must Be Read: Would that all author-declared "crack" fics were this good! I enjoy seeing straight-forward characters show a different side, something canon doesn't always have the page count to give us, and this fic does that very well with Zaraki. While the fic is apparently abandoned, it's still a delight to read. And I really want a Zaraki-made bunny!

ship: ise nanao/zaraki kenpachi, fandom: bleach

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