"Crossing the Line: Rules for the Modern Workplace" by annakovsky (NC-17)

Feb 22, 2012 21:36

Fandom Category: The Office
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Crossing the Line: Rules for the Modern Workplace
Author: annakovsky
Link: http://annakovsky.livejournal.com/176797.html
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17
Genre: Smut, Humor
WIP?: no
Special Rec: 22 of 34

Why This Must Be Read: Ah, Jim and Pam. Those two crazy kids were my first, great online fandom love, and that summer after the Casino Night kiss was my introduction to fanfiction. This particular story, written after the season two finale, gives us a Jim and Pam who are already dating but still sexy (oh my god so sexy), funny, and utterly sweet.

To sum up: Jim and Pam + emailing in the office + a game of Truth or Dare + sex = hilarious and perfect smut. It really doesn't get any better than that.

ship: pam beesley/jim halpert, fandom: the office, special reccer: blithers

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