absolutely by aurevoirsanity (pg-13)

Jul 24, 2011 23:04

Fandom Category: Lost
Pairing: Juliet Burke/James Ford
Fic Title: Absolutely
Author: aurevoirsanity
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): pg-13 (spoilers for everything up to 5x08)
Genre: Angst
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 22/45

Why This Must Be Read: This fic is absolutely stunning. Written in the aftermath that encompassed us all after 5x08, it was one of the first of many and still one of the best. Both characters are lovely, in character, and perfectly written. It intertwines backstory and forward-story with remarkable ease. If you love these two, even just a little bit, give it a go. You will not regret it.

fandom: lost, !remembered, special reccer: abvj, ship: juliet burke/james "sawyer" ford

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