"brief interviews with hideous men" by honey_wheeler (PG)

Jul 24, 2011 19:11

Fandom Category: The Office (US)
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title:  brief interviews with hideous men
Author: honey_wheeler 
Link: http://honey-wheeler.livejournal.com/54516.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Missing moments
WIP?: No.

Why This Must Be Read: Nobody, especially if they work in at Dunder Mifflin Scranton, is perfect.  Jim Halpert, for all that we fangirls lovelovelove him, is not exempt from that.  We get glimpses of his rougher moments, like dumping Katy on the Booze Cruise or (as discussed in this fic) making a mockery of the Finer Things Club.  For every heartfelt parking lot confession, he's got a nasty breakup by a fountain in New York City. This little number finds Pam experiencing a few of his less proud moments, and taking them in stride.  After all, she's not perfect either.

(Basically go and read everything honey_wheeler has written.  It's all pretty spectacular.)

!remembered, ship: pam beesley/jim halpert, fandom: the office

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