Parks and Recreation, 4 recs, Leslie Knope/Ben Wyatt

Jul 02, 2011 17:53

Fandom Category: Parks and Recreation
Pairing: Leslie Knope/Ben Wyatt
Fic Title: Cufflinks
Author: scullyseviltwin
Link: Here
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 1/45

Why This Must Be Read: Set post season three, this is a lovely, well-written version of a future Ben and Leslie might just end up having. The author weaves together a storyline that could very well be seen on the show and honors both character's quirks and voices extremely well.

Fandom Category: Parks and Recreation
Pairing: Leslie Knope/Ben Wyatt
Fic Title: like a secret wind pouring
Author: cashewdani
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 2/45

Why This Must Be Read: The author mixes humor and romance in perfect Parks fashion. When you read this, it will honestly feel as though you are watching an episode of the show.

Fandom Category: Parks and Recreation
Pairing: Leslie Knope/Ben Wyatt
Fic Title: Things We're Not Doing
Author: cypanache
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): R (Sexual Situations)
Genre: Angst
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 3/45

Why This Must Be Read: This author is probably one of my favorites, and no one tackles the angst for these two quite like her. This is set midway season three - More specifically it is set post 3x14, "Road Trip." Which, yes, I do admit has been done and done, but nobody has ever done it quite this well. This is author is well-known in this fandom for a variety of other stories, but this is definitely my favorite.

Fandom Category: Parks and Recreation
Pairing: Leslie Knope/Ben Wyatt
Fic Title: Party Down
Author: scullyseviltwin
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): R (Sexual Situations)
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 4/45

Why This Must Be Read: I am just... so unbelievably happy that this fic exists. It is set midway through season three (circa "Jerry's Painting") and it is the best 'How Ben and Leslie finally get together' fic that I've ever read. The voices of all the characters, not just Ben and Leslie, are spot-on and like every other fic I've recced in this post, it FEELS like an episode.

fandom: parks and recreation, !remembered, special reccer: abvj, ship: leslie knope/ben wyatt

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