A Long Time Travelling Away from Home by lindentree (T)

Apr 28, 2011 13:27

Fandom Category: True Grit 2010
Pairing: Mattie Ross/LaBoeuf
Fic Title: A Long Time Travelling Away from Home
Link: http://lindentree.livejournal.com/31726.html
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Genre: Fix-it fic
WIP?: No, but long enough that it's separated into two parts. The link leads to part 1.

Why This Must Be Read:

I was confounded by Mattie Ross the day I made her acquaintance. She confounds me still.

LaBoeuf is the perfect narrator for this wonderful story that winds around the canonical epilogue, which was from Mattie's POV, after all. The writing and the characterisations are great. It's about flaws, decisions made, regretted (or not) and is a love story, if not perhaps in the way you were expecting.

ship: mattie ross/laboeuf, fandom: true grit (2010)

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