9 House M.D recs of the Hameron persuasion, with a little Cam/Wilson.

Mar 05, 2010 01:31

Fandom Category: House M.D
Pairing: House/Cameron
Title: when we could not stand to see your grace
Author: fated_addiction
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Inevitably, she was going to end up here even under the span of a couple more days. there is no manual for this one.
Why i rec this: This was the first House M.D fic I ever read and it set the bar almost unattainably high. This woman has talent coming out of her ears.

Fandom/Category: House M.D
Pairing: House/Cameron
Title: Primal
Author: mishy-mo
Rating: M (fanfiction ratings)
Status: Complete
Summary: Cameron is furious with House about the events in 'Son of Coma Guy' and goes to his place to confront him. In thier anger something basic sweeps over them. Will lust turn to love?
Why I rec this: Plot, Smut and Good Writing ... Together!

Fandom/Category: House M.D
Pairing: House/Cameron
Title: Mania
Author: yutamiyu
Rating: None given but work safe
Status: complete
Summary: none given but dark!/stalker!house, so you can pretty much guess where we're going with this.
Why I rec this: I've always believed that House had the psycological potential to become this, and this is the only House/Cameron fic I've read that deals with it. The author shows a hard to find (in fandom) understanding of the pathology and aplies it House very convincingly.

Fandom/Category: House M.D
Pairing: House/Cameron
Title: Possession
Author: _vicodin
Rating: Author Given: R. NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: Author Given: Allison won't leave you. Dysfunctional!House/Cameron
Why I rec this: Because we all know it might, just might not end happily ever after if they ever got together. *Dodges projectiles* He's dysfunctional, she's dysfunctional and since when did two plus two not equal four? In Possession _vicodin creates a believable, unhealthy relationship for the two.

Fandom/Category: House M.D
Pairing: House/Cameron
Title: and you're going to paint the sky empty
Author: fated_addiction
Rating: R
Status: Complete
Summary: On their last day, he comes between her legs. Apoca!fic
Why I rec this: I love the thought of them gravitating toward each other when it's all said and done. Plus it's writtwn by fated_addiction so it's pretty much made of win.

Fandom/Category: House M.D
Pairing: House/Cameron
Title: Iconology
Author: fated_addiction
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: She watches him with a mix of wariness because it’s just about the only thing she can find herself seeking reassurance in. Change is good. Change is scary. But between them, here, it’s unpredictable.
Why I rec this: I adore A Mad Girl's Love Song and the way fated_addiction wove it through this fic is wonderful. Plus of all the ways i've read them getting together this is one of the top five believable for me. I can see this happening.

Fandom/Category: House. MD
Pairing: House/Cameron
Title: the world looks red in our twelve hours 1,2,3
Author: fated_addiction
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: He thinks that it’s pretty fucking funny that the one time he voluntarily was bribed showed up for a hospital function that this happens.
Why I rec this: Pretty much the same reasons as given for 'and you're going to paint the sky empty.'

Fandom/Category: House M.D
Pairing: Wilson/Cameron, House/Cameron
Title: we are products of apathy, breathing jealousy as air
Author: fated_addiction
Rating: R
Status: Complete
Summary: Just one question before you leave, Wilson breathes like it’s a public service announcement. But it’s almost mocking and his lips sort of curl. Are you going to tell him?
Why I rec this: I love fics that deal with the three of them dancing around each other.

Fandom/Category: House M.D
Pairing: House/Cameron, Wilson/Cameron
Title: Visions of Sin
Author: teenwitch77
Rating: R. Dark.
Status: Complete
Summary: You have to face it, endings are the same however you slice it. House and Wilson, two different views of Cameron.
Why I rec this: Because I love the two view points, and I love the darker side to Wilson in this fic.

I hope you enjoy them : )

ship: allison cameron/james wilson, fandom: house, ship: allison cameron/gregory house

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