Five True Things About Gregory House and Addison Montgomery by mardia (PG-13)

Nov 16, 2009 17:31

Fandom Category: House/Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Addison Montgomery/Gregory House
Fic Title: Five True Things About Gregory House and Addison Montgomery
Author: mardia
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Crossover, Character Study, Romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Because Addison and House are just such great characters in their respective series, so why not?

Sometimes, Addison looks at this relationship and thinks she's as crazy as everyone else believes her to be.

Because House is crazy. He's a misanthrope who's dependant on Vicodin, whose practices are--well, forget unorthodox, they constantly skate on the border of unethical and frequently go right over. He's damaged and sarcastic and, as Addison sarcastically likes to term it, an equal-opportunity jackass.

He's no one's idea of a Prince Charming.

And that last thought is always what gets Addison to pause, and to rethink. And eventually, she always comes to the same conclusion, that even if this relationship is fucked-up beyond belief--

(and it is, it really and truly is)

--that's actually fine with her.

ship: crossover, fandom: house, fandom: grey's anatomy

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