Fandom: House, Pairing: House/Cameron

Nov 13, 2009 11:03

"Fandom: House, Pairing: House/Cameron"

Fandom Category: House
Pairing: House/Cameron
Fic Title: Into Temptation
Author: everytimeyougo
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Genre: romance and mild angst
WIP?: complete

Why This Must Be Read: Winner for best long romance at the House/Cameron fic awards. everytimeyougo manages to keep House and Cameron in character. She lays out a very plausible scenario that starts with House merely messing with Cameron. Against his will, it turns into something more. Set during season five. I especially love that she doesn't gloss over Cameron's moral dilemma as she struggles with her desire for House, even though she's with Chase.

Fandom Category:House
Pairing: House/Cameron
Fic Title: You Could Be Anyone
Author: blueheronz
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): teen
Genre: romance, established relationship (sort of)
WIP?: complete

Why This Must Be Read: Another award winning fic in the House fandom. No one sets a scene like blueheronz. Her prose is strikingly beautiful, without being pretentious or over the top. In this story, House does something heroic and ends up with amnesia. But this story rises above the usual cliched amnesia fic and becomes something that is both beautiful and bittersweet. Also check out the sequel, You Must Remember This.

Fandom Category: House
Pairing: House/Cameron
Fic Title: Depth Perception
Author: jesmel
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): teen for occasional language
Genre: angst with a hint of romance, au, minor character death
WIP?: complete

Why This Must Be Read: Another award winning fic. I've yet to encounter anyone who can write better House snark than jesmel. Set during and just after the Tritter arc. In this story, House turns to Cameron to help with his ailing mother and finds himself opening up to her just a bit, learning to trust her judgment and lean on her a little during a difficult time. Excellent characterization, with a nice balance of humor to counter the angst.

Fandom Category: House
Pairing: House/Cameron
Fic Title: Collide
Author: Laura Dugan
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): M for sex
Genre: romance, angst
WIP?: complete

Why This Must Be Read: This one is in my top ten favorite H/C fics ever. It's an oldie, set during season two. A gentle, mature exploration of what might have been if Cameron had decided to leave PPTH after Stacy came along, and how that affects House.

fandom: house, ship: allison cameron/gregory house

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