Fandom: The Hour
Pairing: Lix Storm/Randall Brown
Title: raise a tent of shelter now
Author: voodoochild
AO3Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences, none.
Word Count/WIP?: 599 words. Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By:
profshallowness Why This Must Be Read: Brilliant writing. I loved the reaction to all that had happened (this is set after the second series), namely choosing to grab hold of the good things, which is perfect for the new year's eve setting.
Fandom: Humans
Pairing: Mattie Hawkins/Leo Elster
Title: Away
Author: ottermo
AO3Rating/Warning(s): Teen, none.
Word Count/WIP?: 3,231 words. Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By:
profshallowness Why This Must Be Read: A satisfying, plausible fic set a few years after the events of the first season (it was written before s2) with brilliant characterisation. This is the best Humans fic I’ve ever read.
Fandom: The Office (UK)
Pairing: Tim Canterbury/Dawn Tinley
Title: Never Stop
Author: thinkatory
AO3Rating/Warning(s): General audience, none.
Word Count/WIP?: 1,000 words. Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By: profshallowness
Why This Must Be Read: Before Sherlock, before Jim and Pam, before quite a lot of things, actually, there were Tim and Dawn. This is a lovely fic about a well-drawn Tim and Dawn's happy ending.
Mods, could I have fandom and ship tags for the last two recs, please?