"Freedom" by LJC (Mature)

Mar 28, 2018 19:50

Fandom: Daredevil
Pairing: Elektra Natchios/Matt Murdock
Title: Freedom
Author: LJC
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13039188
Rating/Warning(s): Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 6,623 (complete)
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: Elektra is a difficult character to inhabit, but the author takes on the challenge with grace and not a little darkness in this exploration of Elektra's past, future, and the choices she makes-especially those related to a certain lawyer she's not quite going to quit.

fandom: defenders, ship: elektra natchios/matt murdock, fandom: daredevil

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