The Flash, 4 recs, Lisa Snart/Cisco Ramon

Sep 14, 2017 14:05

Fandom: The Flash
Pairing:  Lisa Snart/Cisco Ramon
Title: The Blue Orbs of the Worlds
Author: horchatita394
Rating/Warning(s): T - canonical child abuse
Word Count/WIP?: 1,629, complete
Recced on Tumblr By:  screaming-towards-apotheosis

Why This Must Be Read: This is a fic where Lisa is the older sibling, and it does amazing things illustrating what that situation is like. When Cisco comes in, he doesn’t play a white knight, there’s no cinderella story here - but it will still hit you in the feels and make you cheer by the end.

Fandom: The Flash
Pairing:  Lisa Snart/Cisco Ramon
Title:  Scars to your beautiful
Author: Ranger_of_Estel
Rating/Warning(s): T,  past canonical child abuse, discussion of scars
Word Count/WIP?:  1,292
Recced on Tumblr By:  screaming-towards-apotheosis

Why This Must Be Read:  It will give you feels. It is tender and caring and will give you feels because LIsa has them and Cisco makes it better.

Fandom: The Flash
Pairing:  Lisa Snart/Cisco Ramon
Title: Knife’s Edge
Author: areyouarealmonster
Rating/Warning(s): G, canon character death
Word Count/WIP?: 2,891 completeRecced on Tumblr By:  screaming-towards-apotheosis

Why This Must Be Read: This is a wonderful exploration of the superhero/super-villain dynamic with a side of fluff and angst because their circumstances are more similar than not.

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fandom: the flash, ship: lisa snart/cisco ramon

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