They finished the first part of the series! Yay!
Fandom: Black Sails
Pairing: Abigail Ashe/Billy Bones
Title: Setting The Stuns'ls
Author: glasscannon and Primarybufferpanel
Link: Gen
Word Count: 94,000
WIP: yes and no - this first part is finished, but there will be more in the series starting October
Recced on LiveJournal By: tinnny
Why This Must Be Read: The slow burn! Billy is the cutest and sweetest, and Abigail gets to dress in pirate clothes and is taught how to sail by the crew. Also: Miranda Barlow appreciation!
p.s.: there is another story marked as part of the series, set before this story. It's not really part of the series, nor is it Abigail/Billy. I recommend that, too, though.