Challenge 169: Yuletide Treasure!

Jan 02, 2017 15:01

In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has monthly rec challenges issued by the mods.

Challenge 169:

Category: Yuletide Treasure
Deadline: February 1
Challenge: It's the most wonderful time of the year-and we're willing to bet you've read (or even written) some fabulous het fics for the annual multifandom holiday gift exchange. Get into the (belated) spirit of the season and share the gems! Any and all het pairings welcome.

As always, to post a rec on Tumblr, follow the simple directions on our submit page.

To post a rec on LiveJournal, you don’t need to ask for posting rights-just become a community member, copy/paste the text below, and post it as a new entry!

Word Count/WIP?:
Recced on LiveJournal By:

Why This Must Be Read:


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