Challenge 168: Once and Future Fandoms

Dec 01, 2016 19:43

In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has monthly rec challenges issued by the mods.

Challenge 168:

Category: Once and Future Fandoms
Deadline: January 1
Challenge: This month, we're looking for recs from fandoms you've been in forever-those old gems that never die. So dig into your bookmarks and share some fandom classics with us. Any and all het pairings welcome!

As always, to post a rec on Tumblr, follow the simple directions on our submit page.

To post a rec on LiveJournal, you don’t need to ask for posting rights-just become a community member, copy/paste the text below, and post it as a new entry!

Word Count/WIP?:
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Why This Must Be Read:


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