Harry Potter, 3 recs, Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy

Nov 25, 2016 17:34

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy
Title: Purple Butterflies
Author: marguerite_26
Link: http://marguerite-26.dreamwidth.org/400704.html
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, warning for underage/teenage sexuality
Word Count/WIP?: ~5700 words, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: blithers
Special Rec: 10/20

Why This Must Be Read: This is THE fic that first got me interested in the Rose/Scorpius pairing. It really nails teenager urgency and awkwardness, and that feeling of best friends stumbling headfirst into sexual attraction. This story was written pre-Cursed Child (as were all three of these recs) so it’s not canon-compliant, but I adore Rose and Scorpius’s relationship when written as a straight-up friendship. Also on AO3 here.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy
Title: Happy New Year
Author: tudorrose1533
Link: http://hp-springsmut.livejournal.com/122622.html
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17
Word Count/WIP?: 7845 words, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: blithers
Special Rec: 11/20

Why This Must Be Read: This story does relationship building through the years, as Rose and Scorpius grow up, as seen by a series of New Year’s Eves. It deftly captures a bunch of small character details, and builds into hot up-against-a-wall-in-a-public-place sex.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy
Title: Chances
Author: Violin Ghost
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4572733/1/Chances
Rating/Warning(s): K+
Word Count/WIP?: 3469 words, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: blithers
Special Rec: 12/20

Why This Must Be Read: This fic is subtitled “Being The Five Times Scorpius Malfoy Didn’t Kiss Rose Weasley (And One Time He Did)”. Like the last story, this one captures moments in their relationship over the years, mostly following the two of them at Hogwarts. Really charming and really sweet.

ship: rose weasley/scorpius malfoy, special reccer: blithers, fandom: harry potter

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