Doctor Who, 4 recs, Amy/Rory

Aug 22, 2016 17:19

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Title: Building Things
Author: remindmeofthe
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 2,100
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: The push-and-pull and unorthodox balances of the Ponds' relationship were always present (and usually under-explored) in canon, and this fic does a satisfying job of digging into things from Rory's perspective, and poking at the ways in which they fit together, sometimes in spite of themselves.


Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Title: not in this new romantic way
Author: paperclipbitch
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 3,433
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: I kind of love this not-quite-AU, which leans into all the beautiful tropes of a band AU and the friends-to-lovers journey that's Amy and Rory all over. It basically imagines a world where the pair take up music and go on tour instead of sticking around Leadworth, all the while wondering if the Raggedy Man will reappear, and the results are wonderful and lyrical.


Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Title: Something Different
Author: mihnn_fics
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 2,572
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: Another story exploring the balance of the Ponds' relationship-with a light dose of their daughter and some bittersweetness scattered throughout-this five-times fic takes Rory's occasional bumbling and turns it into soft but fierce declarations of love.


Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams, Amy Pond/Ianto Jones, various slash and OC pairs in later parts of the series
Title: Straysverse
Author: remindmeofthe
Rating/Warning(s): Mature (contains M/M pairings, mostly in later installments)
Word Count/WIP?: 1,334
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: This series is a creepy-wonderful exploration of a simple and tempting premise: what if Amy's remembering at the end of s5 brought back not only Rory, but numerous others in the Whoniverse who shouldn't have died? Ianto and poor little Steven Carter-among others-are set adrift in a place they don't quite belong, and they start by finding the woman responsible.

fandom: doctor who, ship: amy pond/ianto jones, ship: amy pond/rory williams, fandom: torchwood

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