The Librarians: "Downtime", Eve Baird/Flynn Carsen by greyathena (Mature)

Aug 22, 2016 18:52

Last quick rec before the Librarians rec week is over:

Fandom: The Librarians
Pairing: Eve Baird/Flynn Carsen
Title: Downtime
Author: greyathena
Rating/Warning(s): Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 3475
Recced on LiveJournal By: tinnny

Why This Must Be Read: greyathena's writing style is amazing, putting a lot of punch into few words. The story picks up on the big issues Eve and Flynn have to figure out in their still young relationship, plus there's hot sex and a funny magic case.

fandom: the librarians, ship: eve baird/flynn carsen

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