Dragon Age 2, 10 recs, Isabela/Fenris & Merrill/Carver

Jun 23, 2016 20:29

Fandom: Dragon Age 2
Pairing: Isabela/Fenris
Title: The Sea Never Forgets
Author: jillyfae
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/683676
Rating/Warning(s): M
Word Count/WIP?: 1593/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 141 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: I love the Isabela/Fenris romance in the games. This was sensual and lovely and I enjoyed the journey from friends with benefits to something more.

Title: Anchor's Knot
Author: loquaciousquark
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4216800/chapters/9532599
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 13,308/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 142 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Isabela's past catches up with her and she decides to deal with it once and for all. Fenris comes with her. I love this look into Isabela's backstory, the way the author brings Rivain to life, and I especially love the slow burn of Fenris and Isabela's romance.

Title: I'll See Your Heart
Author: MsBarrows
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/914691/chapters/1773637
Rating/Warning(s): M
Word Count/WIP?: 17,677/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 143 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: I adore this story. Isabela is so sensitive to Fenris' uncertainty and the scars he carries from his time as a slave, when he was never allowed to have a choice or voice his consent. I love the relationship they build, the heat between them, the genuine affection, the love they both feel but can't express but which is understood. Just lovely.

Title: More Serious Than Expected
Author: syrenpan
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/279121/chapters/443503
Rating/Warning(s): M
Word Count/WIP?: 2274/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 144 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Fenris falls for Isabela but he knows she doesn't exactly believe in long-term commitment. The only thing he knows to keep her around is to have sex with her as often as possible, but how long can he keep his feelings under wraps? Ugh, I am such a sucker for pining, especially when it turns out that pining is completely requited even if the character is convinced it isn't.

Pairing: Merrill/Carver Hawke
Title: A Fine Feathered Mess
Author: Flutiebear
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3073844
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 5109/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 145 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Merrill sees that Carver is lonely and decides that he needs a pet. So she gets him a chicken. This is the most STINKING adorable story, I love it so much. Carver is such a grumpypants but also SUCH a marshmallow for Merrill and he doesn't have the heart to tell her how much he doesn't want a chicken for a pet. Feathers the chicken, scourge of lizards everywhere, is AMAZING. I love how she and Carver start off as mortal enemies but despite themselves, come to appreciate each other.

Title: Swording
Author: ms45
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/303321
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 1815/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 146 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Basically everything about this ship is the cutest and every fic about them is the cutest. Merrill is determined to seduce Carver with her worldly sophistication!!! Only...she isn't very worldly or sophisticated and her schemes to get his attention never turn out the way she plans. Little does she know Carver's spinning up his own schemes. SO CUTE. ESPECIALLY THE END. THE VERY CUTEST.

Title: Lying in Wait
Author: valkyrish
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4396460
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 3540/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 147 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Carver is getting tired of having to lie low to avoid the False Calling, and the letters from Merrill have stopped. And then she surprises him with a visit and some news. SOB, these babies are so awkward and so cute and this story is so awkward and so cute.

Title: Living in Shadows
Author: bioticbootyshaker
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/577283
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 3066/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 148 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Oh Carver. He really is such a sourpuss and so sensitive after living so long in his brother's shadow and he can be such an ass. He lashes out at Merrill, the person who least deserves it, but luckily for him, is the most forgiving. They really are so sweet together and this story shows why they work so well. Merrill sees him, when he's spend his whole life being overlooked, and Carver never thinks she's silly or naive.

Title: Placebo
Author: rannadylin
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4650456
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 5749/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 149 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Carver is told all templars need to switch over to red lyrium. He asks Merrill for help in making it look as though he's taking red lyrium by mixing herbs into regular lyrium. Carver is clearly smitten, but Merrill is a little harder to read.

Title: Belladonna
Author: spirrum
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4199607
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 1531/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 150 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Carver meditates on the duality of Merrill. Also he is smitten. THE MOST SMITTEN. And so confused over whether Merrill can tell that he is THE MOST SMITTEN. Cute cute cute.

Mods can I have pairing tags for Isabela/Fenris and Merrill/Carver Hawke?

ship: isabela/fenris, fandom: dragon age, ship: merrill/carver hawke, special reccer: super_tricie341

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