Marvel Cinematic Universe, 3 Rule 63 recs, Sam/Steve & Steve/Bucky

Jun 16, 2016 22:50

Fandom: MCU
Pairing: girl!Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers
Title: Press
Author: mardia
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 5932/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 69 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: In which the press is convinced girl!Sam and Steve are dating after they share the story of their meet-cute on national television. This is so sweet and lovely. Sam is so oblivious and Steve is so obviously smitten and their banter is cute and!!! Just. FEELINGS!!! There's also a podfic of this story by knight_tracer.

Pairing: girl!Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Title: Feast
Author: rageprufrock
Rating/Warning(s): E
Word Count/WIP?: 3824/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 70 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: This is just straight up smut--filthy, glorious smut--and it is hot LIKE FIRE, GOOD LORD. Also, the ending will make you scream with laughter.

Pairing: girl!Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Title: baby, it's a love story
Author: chatona
Rating/Warning(s): M, Locked to registered users only
Word Count/WIP?: 1989/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 71 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: 5 times Bucky made Steph come and one time it was mutual. This is short but sweet, with a fair bit of feeeels and angst to go along with the sexy.

fandom: captain america, ship: genderbender, special reccer: super_tricie341

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