The Martian, 5 recs, multiple pairings

Jun 13, 2016 23:12

Fandom: The Martian
Pairing: Mindy Park/Mark Watney, Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck
Title: homesick at space camp
Author: alessandriana
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 12,182/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 64 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: 7 times the Ares 3 crew lied to the press on their 1-year anniversary show. This is a fun look at what the crew are up to a year after the end of the movie. Mark and Mindy's chapter, in particular, is ridiculously cute.

Pairing: Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck
Title: Star That Dartles
Author: Rubynye
Rating/Warning(s): E
Word Count/WIP?: 2713/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 65 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Space bunk sex, ayyyyy!! And GOOD LORD is this hot!

Title: match point
Author: sevenfoxes
Rating/Warning(s): M
Word Count/WIP?: 5483/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 66 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: This is a nice slow burn, with stellar characterization. The author takes such great care with building their relationship and with fleshing out their characters. An incredibly satisfying read.

Title: So much stranger, so much better
Author: often_adamanta
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 4863/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 67 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: This is definitely a Beth Johanssen story first and foremost and it is glorious! I love her friendship with/fledgling crush (back in the early days) on Mark, but her relationship with Beck is lovely and sweet, and adds to her story rather than being the center of her story.

Pairing: Melissa Lewis/Mark Watney
Title: All This Could Be Yours
Author: mardia
Rating/Warning(s): E
Word Count/WIP?: 39,930/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 68 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: An AU where Melissa Lewis got stranded on Mars with Mark Watney. Ohhhhhhhhh my GOD. This story consumed my LIFE. Everything about Melissa and Mark's co-dependent relationship, and the PINING, and the slowest burning of UST EVER was JUST. SO GOOD FOR ME. The author doesn't shy away from the messiness of the situation, especially with Melissa's marriage, and while it definitely sucks and is incredibly heartbreaking for everyone involved, the author treated everyone as fairly as possible and no one gets demonized in this story. There's also 2 more stories in this series which are incredibly hot.

Mods can I have tags for Mindy Park/Mark Watney and Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck?

ship: melissa lewis/mark watney, ship: beth johanssen/chris beck, fandom: the martian, ship: mindy park/mark watney, special reccer: super_tricie341

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